Category:DBC Alpha
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This category groups all files existing in the Alpha (mainly targeting It does not guarantee documentation of the files for that version.
Pages in category "DBC Alpha"
The following 111 pages are in this category, out of 111 total.
- DB/AreaMIDIAmbiences
- DB/AreaPOI
- DB/AreaTable
- DB/AreaTrigger
- DB/AttackAnimKits
- DB/AttackAnimTypes
- DB/BankBagSlotPrices
- DB/CameraShakes
- DB/CharacterCreateCameras
- DB/CharacterFacialHairStyles
- DB/CharBaseInfo
- DB/CharHairGeosets
- DB/CharHairTextures
- DB/CharStartOutfit
- DB/CharTextureVariationsV2
- DB/CharVariations
- DB/ChrClasses
- DB/ChrProficiency
- DB/ChrRaces
- DB/Cinematic
- DB/CinematicCamera
- DB/CinematicSequences
- DB/CinematicSubtitle
- DB/CreatureDisplayInfo
- DB/CreatureDisplayInfoExtra
- DB/CreatureFamily
- DB/CreatureModelData
- DB/CreatureSoundData
- DB/CreatureType
- DB/DeathThudLookups
- DB/EmoteAnims
- DB/Emotes
- DB/EmotesText
- DB/EmotesTextData
- DB/Faction
- DB/FactionGroup
- DB/FactionTemplate
- DB/FootprintTextures
- DB/FootstepTerrainLookup
- DB/GameObjectDisplayInfo
- DB/GroundEffectDoodad
- DB/GroundEffectTexture
- DB/HelmetGeosetVisData
- DB/ItemClass
- DB/ItemDisplayInfo
- DB/ItemGroupSounds
- DB/ItemSubClass
- DB/ItemVisualEffects
- DB/ItemVisuals
- DB/Languages
- DB/LanguageWords
- DB/Lock
- DB/LockType
- DB/Map
- DB/Material
- DB/NamesProfanity
- DB/NamesReserved
- DB/NPCSounds
- DB/PageTextMaterial
- DB/PaperDollItemFrame
- DB/QuestInfo
- DB/QuestSort
- DB/Resistances
- DB/SheatheSoundLookups
- DB/SkillLine
- DB/SkillLineAbility
- DB/SoundCharacterMacroLines
- DB/SoundEntries
- DB/SoundProviderPreferences
- DB/SoundSamplePreferences
- DB/SoundWaterType
- DB/Spell
- DB/SpellAuraNames
- DB/SpellCastTimes
- DB/SpellChainEffects
- DB/SpellDispelType
- DB/SpellDuration
- DB/SpellEffectCameraShakes
- DB/SpellEffectNames
- DB/SpellFocusObject
- DB/SpellIcon
- DB/SpellItemEnchantment
- DB/SpellRadius
- DB/SpellRange
- DB/SpellShapeshiftForm
- DB/SpellVisual
- DB/SpellVisualAnimName
- DB/SpellVisualEffectName
- DB/SpellVisualKit
- DB/SpellVisualPrecastTransitions
- DB/StringLookups
- DB/TabardBackgroundTextures
- DB/TabardEmblemTextures
- DB/TaxiNodes
- DB/TaxiPath
- DB/TaxiPathNode
- DB/TerrainType
- DB/TerrainTypeSounds
- DB/TransportAnimation
- DB/UISoundLookups
- DB/UnitBlood
- DB/UnitBloodLevels
- DB/VideoHardware
- DB/VocalUISounds
- DB/WeaponImpactSounds
- DB/WeaponSwingSounds2
- DB/WMOAreaTable
- DB/WorldMapArea
- DB/WorldMapContinent
- DB/WorldSafeLocs
- DB/ZoneMusic