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Contains name, location and used mount data for flight nodes. This information is strictly used on the flight point selection map that is shown when clicking on a flight master.

struct TaxiNodesRec
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_ContinentID;
  float m_X;
  float m_Y;
  float m_Z;
  langstringref m_Name_lang;

struct TaxiNodesRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_ContinentID;
  float m_pos[3];
  langstringref m_Name_lang;
  uint32_t m_MountCreatureID[2];


Column	Field 			Type 		Notes 
1 	ID 			Integer 	
2 	iRefID_Map 		Integer 	Map on which the flight point node is located 
3 	x 			Float 		x Location on flightpoint selection map . Server coordinates.
4 	y 			Float 		y Location on flightpoint selection map
5 	z 			Float 		z Location on flightpoint selection map
6-22 	sRefName 		Loc		Only seen on flightpoint map. 
23-24 	MountCreatureID[2] 	Integer 	A, H: creature entry from creature_template

struct TaxiNodesRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_ContinentID;
  float m_pos[3];
  langstringref m_Name_lang;
  uint32_t m_MountCreatureID[2];
  uint32_t m_conditionID;
  uint32_t m_Flags;
  float m_MapOffset[2];