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The DBC (DataBaseClient) files are clientside databases containing data about Items, NPC's, Enviroment, World etc.


Column 	Field 			Type 		Notes 
1 	Signature 		String 		(4-bytes) string, always 'WDBC' 
2 	Records 		Integer 	(4-bytes) number of records in the file 
3 	Fields 			Integer 	(4-bytes) number of fields per record 
4 	Record Size 		Integer 	(4-bytes) Fields*FieldSize (FieldSize is usually 4, but not always) 
5 	String Block Size 	Integer 	Size of the string block 

String Block

Unlike the cache files, string data is stored in a block after the records. String data in records contain an offset to the string, starting from the string block. For example: If the address of the string block was 500, and the string value was 50, the address of the string would be at 550. The string block starts with a null character, and all strings are null-terminated.


  • When encountering a string field in a dbc file, it usually consists of an english name field as well as 7 additional fields for different localizations. Following the 8 String* fields is a bitmask field. I'm not exactly sure what the bitmask field is used for yet, see Localization.
Locale 	Field offset 	Notes 
enXX 	0 		GB and US 
krKR 	1 		Korean 
frFR 	2 		French 
deDE 	3 		German 
zhCN 	4 		Chinese 
zhTW 	5 		Taiwanese 
???? 	6 		Unknown 
???? 	7 		Unknown 
  • 2.1.1 changes the additional fields to 15.


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