
From wowdev
Revision as of 16:10, 31 August 2017 by Barncastle (talk | contribs)
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The QuestCache.wdb holds most of the information for quest you have seen in game.

  • Signature: WQST


Column 	Field 			Type 		Notes 
1 	questID 		Integer 	
2 	entryLength 		Integer 	WDB Files 
3 	DuplicatedQuestID 	Integer 	This is a duplicate of the quest ID 
4 	QuestType 		Integer 	2 or 0, 0 appears to be when it's a quick click-through quest like repeatable quests (but not exclusively) 
5 	QuestLevel 		Integer 	The level of the quest. This is not the level at which the quest is atainable at. 
6 	areaID/sortID 		Integer 	AreaTable.dbc if negative the value points to: QuestSort.dbc 
7 	infoID 			Integer 	QuestInfo.dbc 
8	SuggestedPlayers 	Integer 	
9 	FactionID 		Integer 	Faction.dbc 
10 	FactionAmount 		Integer 	e.g. 3000 
11 	Unknown 		Integer 	Always 0? 
12 	Unknown 		Integer 	Always 0? 
13 	nextQuestID 		Integer 	The quest that follows this quest 
14 	coins 			Integer 	Value is in Copper - Coins rewarded on completion 
15 	SubExp70 		Integer 	Value is in Copper - Coins rewarded on lvl 70 instead of experience (guess) 
16 	RewardSpellID 		Integer 	Spell.dbc: Spell or ability that is added to players spellbook upon completion. This is probably an argument passed into EffectOnPlayer somehow, as this is sometimes a duplicated value as the EffectOnPlayer field, and it's not a spell that the player learns. (Such as the Razorhide quest turnin). 
17 	EffectOnPlayer 		Integer 	Spell.dbc: Spell/effect cast on player when completing. 
18 	startingItemID 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb The item that you are given when you start the quest, such as a package to deliver. 
19 	QuestFlags 		BitMask
20 	givenItem1 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
21 	givenItem1Amount 	Integer 	
22 	givenItem2 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb
23 	givenItem2Amount 	Integer 	
24 	givenItem3 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb
25 	givenItem3Amount 	Integer 	
26 	givenItem4 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
27 	givenItem4Amount 	Integer 	
28 	choiceItem1 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb  
29 	choiceItem1Amount 	Integer 	
30 	choiceItem2 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb  
31 	choiceItem2Amount 	Integer 	
32 	choiceItem3 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb  
33 	choiceItem3Amount 	Integer 	
34 	choiceItem4 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
35 	choiceItem4Amount 	Integer 	
36 	choiceItem5 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
37 	choiceItem5Amount 	Integer 	
38 	choiceItem6 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
39 	choiceItem6Amount 	Integer 	
40 	Unknown 		Integer 	
41 	Unknown 		Integer 	
42 	Unknown 		Integer 	
43 	Unknown 		Integer 	
44 	name 			String 	
45 	description 		String 	
46 	details 		String 	
47 	subdescription 		String 	
48 	killCreature1 		Integer 	CreatureCache.wdb 
49 	killCreature1Amount 	Integer 	
50 	collectItem1 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
51 	collectItem1Amount 	Integer 	
52 	killCreature2 		Integer 	CreatureCache.wdb 
53 	killCreature2Amount 	Integer 	
54 	collectItem2 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
55 	collectItem2Amount 	Integer 	
56 	killCreature3 		Integer 	CreatureCache.wdb
57 	killCreature3Amount 	Integer 	
58 	collectItem3 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
59 	collectItem3Amount 	Integer 	
60 	killCreature4 		Integer 	CreatureCache.wdb 
61 	killCreature4Amount 	Integer 	
62 	collectItem4 		Integer 	ItemCache.wdb 
63 	collectItem4Amount 	Integer 	
64 	Objective1 		String 		If not killCreature1 or collectItem1 this is the objective if set 
65 	Objective2 		String 		If not killCreature2 or collectItem2 this is the objective if set 
66 	Objective3 		String 		If not killCreature3 or collectItem3 this is the objective if set 
67 	Objective4 		String 		If not killCreature4 or collectItem4 this is the objective if set  

For PreVanilla ( client version

Column 	Field 			Type 
1	QuestId					Integer
2	QuestType				Integer
3	QuestLevel				Integer
4	QuestSortID				Integer
5	QuestInfoID				Integer
6	RewardNextQuest				Integer
7	RewardMoney				Integer
8	StartItem				Integer
9	RewardItems				Integer[4]
10	RewardAmount				Integer[4]
11	RewardChoiceItems			Integer[6]
12	RewardChoiceAmount			Integer[6]
13	POIContinent				Integer
14	POIx					Float
15	POIy					Float
16	POIPriority				Integer
17	LogTitle				Char[128]
18	LogDescription				Char[1024]
19	QuestDescription			Char[1024]
20	AreaDescription				Char[128]
21	MonsterToKill				Integer[4]
22	MonsterToKillQuantity			Integer[4]
23	ItemToGet				Integer[4]
24	ItemToGetQuantity			Integer[4]
25	GetDescription				Char[4][64]

Quest Flags

1 (1)	Deliver	
2 (2)	Kill	
3 (4)	Speak To	
4 (8)	Repeatable?	Q:Shareable?
5 (16)	Exploration	
6 (32)	Timed Quest	
7 (64)	Raid Quest	Tagged as "(Raid)" (to verify)
8 (128)	Reputation	
9 (256)	Unknown	
10 (512)	Unknown	
11 (1024)	Unknown	
12 (2048)	Unknown	
13 (4096)	Daily	This bit is set if it's a Daily Quest