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The World\dnc.db file in misc.mpq specifies the day-night cycle. Fortunately, the folks at Blizzard were kind enough to label every data field in this file! :D
The World\dnc.db file in common.mpq specifies the day-night cycle. Fortunately, the folks at Blizzard were kind enough to label every data field in this file! :D


Revision as of 00:28, 13 August 2007

The World\dnc.db file in common.mpq specifies the day-night cycle. Fortunately, the folks at Blizzard were kind enough to label every data field in this file! :D


Offset	Type 	 	Description
0x00 	uint32 	 	nFields - Number of fields
0x04 	uint32  	Number of fields (again)

Next, nFields * 8 bytes define the rest of the file structure:

Offset	Type 	 	Description
0x00 	uint32 	 	Always 0x53
0x04 	uint32 	 	Offset to field name (which is zero-terminated)


After the header come the actual records, each being nFields * 8 bytes in size. Every field value has this structure:

Offset	Type 	 	Description
0x00 	uint32 	 	Always 0x46
0x04 	float 	 	Field value

Here is the list of field names:

  1. Hour
  2. Minute
  3. DayIntensity
  4. DayR
  5. DayG
  6. DayB
  7. DayX
  8. DayY
  9. DayZ
 10. NightIntensity
 11. NightR
 12. NightG
 13. NightB
 14. NightX
 15. NightY
 16. NightZ
 17. AmbientIntensity
 18. AmbientR
 19. AmbientG
 20. AmbientB
 21. FogDepth
 22. FogIntensity
 23. FogR
 24. FogG
 25. FogB 

The file contains 24 records, one for each whole hour (Hour = 0 to 23, Minute = 0)

This looks like info for outdoor lighting with respect to the day-night cycle. The colors for the differnt light types are self-explanatory. The XYZ coordinates specify a directional light source.