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Copied from trinity core:

   TARGET_FLAG_NONE            = 0x00000000,
   TARGET_FLAG_UNUSED_1        = 0x00000001,               // not used
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT            = 0x00000002,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_RAID       = 0x00000004,               // not sent, used to validate target (if raid member)
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_PARTY      = 0x00000008,               // not sent, used to validate target (if party member)
   TARGET_FLAG_ITEM            = 0x00000010,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_SOURCE_LOCATION = 0x00000020,               // pguid, 3 float
   TARGET_FLAG_DEST_LOCATION   = 0x00000040,               // pguid, 3 float
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_ENEMY      = 0x00000080,               // not sent, used to validate target (if enemy)
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_ALLY       = 0x00000100,               // not sent, used to validate target (if ally)
   TARGET_FLAG_CORPSE_ENEMY    = 0x00000200,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_DEAD       = 0x00000400,               // not sent, used to validate target (if dead creature)
   TARGET_FLAG_GAMEOBJECT      = 0x00000800,               // pguid, used with TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_TARGET
   TARGET_FLAG_TRADE_ITEM      = 0x00001000,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_STRING          = 0x00002000,               // string
   TARGET_FLAG_GAMEOBJECT_ITEM = 0x00004000,               // not sent, used with TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_ITEM_TARGET
   TARGET_FLAG_CORPSE_ALLY     = 0x00008000,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_MINIPET    = 0x00010000,               // pguid, used to validate target (if non combat pet)
   TARGET_FLAG_GLYPH_SLOT      = 0x00020000,               // used in glyph spells
   TARGET_FLAG_DEST_TARGET     = 0x00040000,               // sometimes appears with DEST_TARGET spells (may appear or not for a given spell)
   TARGET_FLAG_UNUSED20        = 0x00080000,               // uint32 counter, loop { vec3 - screen position (?), guid }, not used so far
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_PASSENGER  = 0x00100000,               // guessed, used to validate target (if vehicle passenger)

Based on comparing dbc and in-game spells. Subject to change for the most part. Ascathos 23:13, 16 November 2012 (UTC):

   0 - Player or target ? Might also be none-individual target
   1 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   2 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   4 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   8 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   16 - Enchantment (Item in inventory and equipment)
   32 - Point-Blank AoE
   64 - Targetable AoE 
   128 - Targetable AoE ?(Some Stealth-revealing spell AoE has it)
   256 - Teleport ? Seems general based (Seems to handle every Player in AoE individually)
   512 - Player corpses selectable ? Used for looting insignias.
   1024 - Revives every player in Point-Blank AoE (Spirit Revival)
   1026 - Used for skinning (Target corpses ?)
   2048 - Spawns something on caster spot ? (Used in a spell that drops object at caster position)
   4096 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   8192 -  ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   16384 - Target chests ? Used for Lock-opening spells
   32768 - ? (Used with non-referenced, passive spells)
   65536 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   131072 - Glyphs (Maybe change how another spell works ?)