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Copied from trinity core:

   TARGET_FLAG_NONE            = 0x00000000,
   TARGET_FLAG_UNUSED_1        = 0x00000001,               // not used
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT            = 0x00000002,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_RAID       = 0x00000004,               // not sent, used to validate target (if raid member)
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_PARTY      = 0x00000008,               // not sent, used to validate target (if party member)
   TARGET_FLAG_ITEM            = 0x00000010,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_SOURCE_LOCATION = 0x00000020,               // pguid, 3 float
   TARGET_FLAG_DEST_LOCATION   = 0x00000040,               // pguid, 3 float
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_ENEMY      = 0x00000080,               // not sent, used to validate target (if enemy)
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_ALLY       = 0x00000100,               // not sent, used to validate target (if ally) - Used by teaching spells
   TARGET_FLAG_CORPSE_ENEMY    = 0x00000200,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_DEAD       = 0x00000400,               // not sent, used to validate target (if dead creature)
   TARGET_FLAG_GAMEOBJECT      = 0x00000800,               // pguid, used with TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_TARGET
   TARGET_FLAG_TRADE_ITEM      = 0x00001000,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_STRING          = 0x00002000,               // string
   TARGET_FLAG_GAMEOBJECT_ITEM = 0x00004000,               // not sent, used with TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_ITEM_TARGET
   TARGET_FLAG_CORPSE_ALLY     = 0x00008000,               // pguid
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_MINIPET    = 0x00010000,               // pguid, used to validate target (if non combat pet)
   TARGET_FLAG_GLYPH_SLOT      = 0x00020000,               // used in glyph spells
   TARGET_FLAG_DEST_TARGET     = 0x00040000,               // sometimes appears with DEST_TARGET spells (may appear or not for a given spell)
   TARGET_FLAG_UNUSED20        = 0x00080000,               // uint32 counter, loop { vec3 - screen position (?), guid }, not used so far
   TARGET_FLAG_UNIT_PASSENGER  = 0x00100000,               // guessed, used to validate target (if vehicle passenger)

Many values are not used on any spell, but that doesn't mean they're not working since they have been coded server side.

Based on comparing dbc and in-game spells. Subject to change for the most part. Ascathos 23:13, 16 November 2012 (UTC):

   0 - Player or target ? Might also be none-individual target
   1 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   2 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   4 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   8 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   16 - Enchantment (Item in inventory and equipment)
   32 - Point-Blank AoE
   64 - Targetable AoE 
   128 - Targetable AoE ?(Some Stealth-revealing spell AoE has it)
   256 - Teleport ? Seems general based (Seems to handle every Player in AoE individually)
   512 - Player corpses selectable ? Used for looting insignias.
   1024 - Revives every player in Point-Blank AoE (Spirit Revival) Used for skinning (Target corpses ?)
   2048 - Spawns something on caster spot ? (Used in a spell that drops object at caster position)
   4096 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   8192 -  ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   16384 - Target chests ? Used for Lock-opening spells
   32768 - ? (Used with non-referenced, passive spells)
   65536 - ? (Not used in 3.3.5a on it's own)
   131072 - Glyphs (Maybe change how another spell works ?)