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Revision as of 15:28, 25 April 2022 by Razmataz (talk | contribs)
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≥ Legion

AreaTriggers have two textures imposed upon one another. The relationship between the top and bottom texture can be treated like a donut, where the top is the interior, and the bottom is the donut itself.

Images contained in this album may assist with how some of the attributes behave when changed: https://imgur.com/a/1TqbAHx

Structure (8.3.5)

Column Field Type Notes
1 ID Integer Linked by AreaTrigger decalPropertiesId
2 FileDataID iRefID
3 TopTextureBlendSetID iRefID
4 BotTextureBlendSetID iRefID
5 modX Float
6 InnerRadius Float Inverse of how harshly BotTextureBlendSetID intrudes upon the TopTextureBlendSetID. At 0, there is a sharp cutoff.
7 OuterRadius Float Inverse of how harshly TopTextureBlendSetID applies on top of BotTextureBlendSetID. This controls the overall size of the areatrigger texture.
8 Rim Float Controls the size of the areatrigger texture by ensuring that the donut outer radius does not change.
9 Gain Float Controls how harshly the TopTextureBlendSetID spreads onto the normal textures around it. At 0 there is a sharp cutoff.
10 Flags Bitmask Behaviour properties of the decal. Flags 4 makes the texture colour change depending on camera angle - looking down on it is darker than from ground level. Flags 8 makes the bottom texture disappear.
11 Scale Float
12 FadeIn Float Self explanatory. 0 for instant.
13 FadeOut Float Self explanatory. 0 for instant.
14 Priority Int
15 BlendMode Int Controls how TopTextureBlendSet applies onto terrain. Type 0 and 2 is overwrite, Type 1 only works without BottomTextureBlendSet and
16 GameFlags Int
17 CasterDecalProperties Int
18 ArbitraryBoxHeight Float