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≥ Legion

AreaTriggers have two textures imposed upon one another. The relationship between the top and bottom texture can be treated like a donut, where the top is the interior, and the bottom is the donut itself.

See the screenshots below for how some of the attributes behave when changed.

Structure (8.3.5)

Column Field Type Notes
1 ID Integer Linked by AreaTrigger decalPropertiesId
2 FileDataID iRefID
3 TopTextureBlendSetID iRefID
4 BotTextureBlendSetID iRefID
5 modX Float
6 InnerRadius Float Inverse of how harshly BotTextureBlendSetID intrudes upon the TopTextureBlendSetID. At 0, there is a sharp cutoff.
7 OuterRadius Float Inverse of how harshly TopTextureBlendSetID applies on top of BotTextureBlendSetID. This controls the overall size of the areatrigger texture.
8 Rim Float Controls the size of the areatrigger texture by ensuring that the donut outer radius does not change.
9 Gain Float Controls how harshly the TopTextureBlendSetID spreads onto the normal textures around it. At 0 there is a sharp cutoff.
10 Flags Bitmask Behaviour properties of the decal. Flags 4 makes the texture colour change depending on camera angle - looking down on it is darker than from ground level. Flags 8 makes the bottom texture disappear.
11 Scale Float
12 FadeIn Float Self explanatory. 0 for instant.
13 FadeOut Float Self explanatory. 0 for instant.
14 Priority Int
15 BlendMode Int Controls how TopTextureBlendSet applies onto terrain. Type 0 is overwrite but with blending, Type 1 only works without BottomTextureBlendSet and Type 2 is overwrite without blending.
16 GameFlags Int
17 CasterDecalProperties Int
18 ArbitraryBoxHeight Float




