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ADT Files

ADT files contain terrain and object information for map tiles. They have a chunked structure just like the WDT files.

A map tile is split up into 16x16 = 256 map chunks. (not the same as file chunks, although each map chunk will have its own file chunk :) ) So there will be a few initial data chunks to specify textures, objects, models, etc. followed by 256 MCNK (mapchunk) chunks :) Each MCNK chunk has a small header of its own, and additional chunks within its data block, following the same id-size-data format.

MHDR chunk

struct SMAreaHeader // 03-29-2005 By ObscuR {

/*000h*/  UINT32 pad;
/*004h*/  UINT32 offsInfo;		
/*008h*/  UINT32 offsTex;		
/*00Ch*/  UINT32 offsModels;		
/*010h*/  UINT32 offsModelsIds;		
/*014h*/  UINT32 offsMapObejcts;		
/*018h*/  UINT32 offsMapObejctsIds;		
/*01Ch*/  UINT32 offsDoodsDef;		
/*020h*/  UINT32 offsObjectsDef;	
/*024h*/  UINT32 pad1;	
/*028h*/  UINT32 pad2;		
/*02Ch*/  UINT32 pad3;	
/*030h*/  UINT32 pad4;		
/*034h*/  UINT32 pad5;		
/*038h*/  UINT32 pad6;		
/*03Ch*/  UINT32 pad7;	


Header chunk. Contains offsets (relative to 0x14) for some other chunks that appear in the file. Since the file follows a well-defined structure, this is redundant information.

MCIN chunk

Index for MCNK chunks. Contains 256 records of 16 bytes, which have the following format:

<math>Offset Type Description 0x0 uint32 MCNK chunk absolute offset 0x4 uint32 MCNK size in bytes 0x8 8 bytes 0</math>

struct SMChunkInfo // 03-29-2005 By ObscuR {

/*000h*/  UINT32 offset;
/*004h*/  UINT32 size;		
/*008h*/  UINT32 flags;		
/*00Ch*/  UINT32 asyncId;;		


This is also redundant information but kind of convenient.