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SpellAttr5 - AttributesExE (≥ BC)

Flag Attribute String Bitmask Comments
1 SPELL_ATTR5_ALLOW_ACTIONS_DURING_CHANNEL 0x00000001 0 - Allows actions during a channeled spell such as moving and jumping.
2 SPELL_ATTR5_NO_REAGENT_COST_WITH_AURA 0x00000002 1 - Reagents will not be required in conjunction with UNIT_FLAG_PREPARATION.
4 SPELL_ATTR5_REMOVE_ENTERING_ARENA 0x00000004 2 - TrinityCore: "Force this aura to be removed on entering arena, regardless of other properties."
8 SPELL_ATTR5_ALLOW_WHILE_STUNNED 0x00000008 3 - Self descriptive.
16 SPELL_ATTR5_TRIGGERS_CHANNELING 0x00000010 4 - Self descriptive. Likely more script oriented.
32 SPELL_ATTR5_LIMIT_N 0x00000020 5 - Can only be used on one target at a time.
64 SPELL_ATTR5_IGNORE_AREA_EFFECT_PVP_CHECK 0x00000040 6 - Possible world PvP flag for objectives such as Spirit Towers?
256 SPELL_ATTR5_NOT_ON_PLAYER_CONTROLLED_NPC 0x00000100 8 - Self descriptive. (Ex. Pets, Minions).
512 SPELL_ATTR5_EXTRA_INITIAL_PERIOD 0x00000200 9 - TrinityCore: "Immediately do periodic tick on apply."
1,024 SPELL_ATTR5_DO_NOT_DISPLAY_DURATION 0x00000400 10 - Does not send duration to the client.
2,048 SPELL_ATTR5_IMPLIED_TARGETING 0x00000800 11 - Uses target of target if original target not valid (Ex. Intervene).
4,096 SPELL_ATTR5_MELEE_CHAIN_TARGETING 0x00001000 12 - Possible cleave type flag?
8,192 SPELL_ATTR5_SPELL_HASTE_AFFECTS_PERIODIC 0x00002000 13 - Causes haste to affect the duration of periodic spells.
16,384 SPELL_ATTR5_NOT_AVAILABLE_WHILE_CHARMED 0x00004000 14 - Self descriptive.
65,536 SPELL_ATTR5_AURA_AFFECTS_NOT_JUST_REQ_EQUIPPED_ITEM 0x00010000 16 - Self descriptive.
131,072 SPELL_ATTR5_ALLOW_WHILE_FLEEING 0x00020000 17 - Self descriptive.
262,144 SPELL_ATTR5_ALLOW_WHILE_CONFUSED 0x00040000 18 - Self descriptive.
524,288 SPELL_ATTR5_AI_DOESNT_FACE_TARGET 0x00080000 19 - Client does not automatically turn caster's model to face target. Opposite of SPELL_ATTR0_CAST_TRACK_TARGET.
1,048,576 SPELL_ATTR5_DO_NOT_ATTEMPT_A_PET_RESUMMON_WHEN_DISMOUNTING 0x00100000 20 - TrinityCore: "No generic handling possible, used by scripted dismount spells."
2,097,152 SPELL_ATTR5_IGNORE_TARGET_REQUIREMENTS 0x00200000 21 - *NYI* Self descriptive.
4,194,304 SPELL_ATTR5_NOT_ON_TRIVIAL 0x00400000 22 - *NYI* Self descriptive.
8,388,608 SPELL_ATTR5_NO_PARTIAL_RESISTS 0x00800000 23 - *NYI*, TrinityCore: "Resisting only some spell effects not implemented."
16,777,216 SPELL_ATTR5_IGNORE_CASTER_REQUIREMENTS 0x01000000 24 - *NYI* Self descriptive.
33,554,432 SPELL_ATTR5_ALWAYS_LINE_OF_SIGHT 0x02000000 25 - Constant line of sight required for spell duration.
67,108,864 SPELL_ATTR5_ALWAYS_AOE_LINE_OF_SIGHT 0x04000000 26 - Same as SPELL_ATTR5_ALWAYS_LINE_OF_SIGHT but with area of effect spells instead.
134,217,728 SPELL_ATTR5_NO_CASTER_AURA_ICON 0x08000000 27 - Auras with this attribute are not visible on units that are the spell caster.
268,435,456 SPELL_ATTR5_NO_TARGET_AURA_ICON 0x10000000 28 - Auras with this attribute are not visible on units that are the spell target.
536,870,912 SPELL_ATTR5_AURA_UNIQUE_PER_CASTER 0x20000000 29 - Similar to SPELL_ATTR3_STACK_FOR_DIFF_CASTERS. Could be used for debuff grouping.
1,073,741,824 SPELL_ATTR5_ALWAYS_SHOW_GROUND_TEXTURE 0x40000000 30 - Likely refers to the Projected Texture setting and will cause this spell to ignore its value.
2,147,483,648 SPELL_ATTR5_ADD_MELEE_HIT_RATING 0x80000000 31 - Self descriptive.