Controls the various values that are related to floats in .LIT files which was believed just to be the sky positions. There is 18 rows corresponding to every ID so take the ID*18 to get the proper start ID to look at it and the next 17 rows after it go along with it as well
To get the right ID out from Light.dbc (skyParam, not the light ID itself!) you need to calculate it the following way: idLightIntBand = lightEntry.skyParam * 18 - 17
The reason is that DBCs always start with entry 1 and in computer fields you usually have 0 as primary index.
--Cromon 14:06, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
The 18 rows should then correspond to the below as it was in the .lit files
Number Description 0 Global diffuse light 1 Global ambient light 2 Sky color 0 (top) 3 Sky color 1 (middle) 4 Sky color 2 (middle to horizon) 5 Sky color 3 (above horizon) 6 Sky color 4 (horizon) 7 Fog color / background mountains color. Affects color of weather effects as well. 8 Unknown/unused in 3.3.5 ? This value was ported to ShadowOpacity in the new format 9 Sun color + sun halo color, specular lighting, sun rays 10 Sun larger halo color // cloud color a1 (base) 11 ? // cloud color B (edge) 12 Cloud color // cloud color a2 (secondary base) 13 Unknown/unused in 3.3.5 ? This value was ported to Cloud Layer 2 Ambient Color in the new format 14 Ocean color [light] // shallow ocean water 15 Ocean color [dark] // deep ocean water 16 River color [light] // shallow river water 17 River color [dark] // deep river water
Official definitions from Blizzard (found in client 2.5 EnumeratedString table): Note that id 13 seems to have been moved to 17
0 Direct Color 1 Ambient Color 2 Sky Top Color 3 Sky Middle Color 4 Sky Band 1 Color 5 Sky Band 2 Color 6 Sky Smog Color 7 Sky Fog Color 8 Sun Color 9 Cloud Sun Color 10 Cloud Emissive Color 11 Cloud Layer 1 Ambient Color 12 Cloud Layer 2 Ambient Color 13 Ocean Close Color 14 Ocean Far Color 15 River Close Color 16 River Far Color 17 Shadow Opacity 18 Fog 19 Fog (obsolete 1) 20 Cloud Density 21 Fog (obsolete 2) 22 Color Gradient 23 Horizon Ambient Color 24 Ground Ambient Color 25 Fog End Color 26 Sun Fog Color 27 Fog Height Color
Note that the columns are purely for the different times of day. The row defines which light setting we are setting.
Column Field Type Notes 1 ID Integer 2 # of Entries Integer This is how many of the columns actually have data for this row (0 to 16) 3-18 Time Values Unsigned Integer Time Values from 0 to 2880 where each number represents a half minute from midnight to midnight 19-34 Color Values Unsigned Integer These are the actual values that correspond with the time value and are a RGB color value