Talk:DBC naming

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Revision as of 00:54, 8 February 2016 by Warpten (talk | contribs)
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The current DBC documentation on the wiki is a mess and needs a lot of improvement.

We want to tackle it the right way in one go and have a few options to do so, we want feedback from y'all to figure out the best way.

Problem: Most DBCs are or have already been converted to DB2 (or higher) in recent WoW versions. We want to make a single page that documents all versions of said DBC, no matter if the actual filename ends in .dbc or .db2.

Solution 1: Rename all DBC pages to subpages of the DB page. For example, Map.dbc would be renamed to DB/Map.


  • Independent of filename, doesn't matter if it's a DBC/DB2


  • Would always display the "DB" in front of the page title on category pages and title

Solution 2: Rename all DBC pages to their filename without the extension. For example, Map.dbc would be renamed to Map, conflicts would have to be resolved like Map (definition).


  • Independent of filename, doesn't matter if it's a DBC/DB2
  • Clean


  • Could cause conflicts, would have to be resolved as mentioned

Solution 3? Have a better solution? Suggest it in the replies.

Marlamin (talk) 23:03, 7 February 2016 (CET)

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Rename all pages to <filename>.DBFC ? Category would thus be DBFC and still be fine.
Warpten (talk)