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SpellAttr6 - AttributesExF (≥ BC)

Flag Attribute String Bitmask Comments
1 SPELL_ATTR6_NO_COOLDOWN_ON_TOOLTIP 0x00000001 0 - Client does not display cooldown in the tooltip for these spells.
2 SPELL_ATTR6_DO_NOT_RESET_COOLDOWN_IN_ARENA 0x00000002 1 - Self descriptive.
4 SPELL_ATTR6_NOT_AN_ATTACK 0x00000004 2 - /*NYI*/ Self descriptive.
8 SPELL_ATTR6_CAN_ASSIST_IMMUNE_PC 0x00000008 3 - Skips checking UNIT_FLAG_IMMUNE_TO_PC and UNIT_FLAG_IMMUNE_TO_NPC flags on assist.
16 SPELL_ATTR6_IGNORE_FOR_MOD_TIME_RATE 0x00000010 4 - TrinityCore: /*NYI, time rate not implemented*/ Ignore For Mod Time Rate.
32 SPELL_ATTR6_DO_NOT_CONSUME_RESOURCES 0x00000020 5 - Self descriptive. Need a better explanation for what all is considered "Resources".
64 SPELL_ATTR6_FLOATING_COMBAT_TEXT_ON_CAST 0x00000040 6 - Used on many spells with a visual UI proc.
128 SPELL_ATTR6_AURA_IS_WEAPON_PROC 0x00000080 7 - Self descriptive.
256 SPELL_ATTR6_DO_NOT_CHAIN_TO_CROWD_CONTROLLED_TARGETS 0x00000100 8 - TrinityCore: "Implicit targeting (chaining and area targeting) will not impact crowd controlled targets."
512 SPELL_ATTR6_ALLOW_ON_CHARMED_TARGETS 0x00000200 9 - Self descriptive.
1,024 SPELL_ATTR6_NO_AURA_LOG 0x00000400 10 - Self descriptive.
2,048 SPELL_ATTR6_NOT_IN_RAID_INSTANCES 0x00000800 11 - Self descriptive.
4,096 SPELL_ATTR6_ALLOW_WHILE_RIDING_VEHICLE 0x00001000 12 - Self descriptive.
8,192 SPELL_ATTR6_IGNORE_PHASE_SHIFT 0x00002000 13 - Can ignore visibility requirement for targets of the spell.
16,384 SPELL_ATTR6_AI_PRIMARY_RANGED_ATTACK 0x00004000 14 - /*NYI*/ Related to Shoot? Needs description.
32,768 SPELL_ATTR6_NO_PUSHBACK 0x00008000 15 - Not to be confused with knockback. Flag is confirmed for two spells 54368, 67892 on wowhead.
65,536 SPELL_ATTR6_NO_JUMP_PATHING 0x00010000 16 - TrinityCore: "/*NYI, currently jumps don't path at all."
131,072 SPELL_ATTR6_ALLOW_EQUIP_WHILE_CASTING 0x00020000 17 - Self descriptive. Possible extension beyond relation to gear.
262,144 SPELL_ATTR6_ORIGINATE_FROM_CONTROLLER 0x00040000 18 - TrinityCore: "Client will prevent casting if not possessed, charmer will be caster for all intents and purposes."
524,288 SPELL_ATTR6_DELAY_COMBAT_TIMER_DURING_CAST 0x00080000 19 - Found on spells 47488 and 50782 in 3.3.5a.
1,048,576 SPELL_ATTR6_AURA_ICON_ONLY_FOR_CASTER_LIMIT_10 0x00100000 20 - TrinityCore: "Aura icon only for caster, (Limit 10) and (Client only)."
2,097,152 SPELL_ATTR6_SHOW_MECHANIC_AS_COMBAT_TEXT 0x00200000 21 - Ex. "Bleeding" appearing where damage numbers would normally be at.
4,194,304 SPELL_ATTR6_ABSORB_CANNOT_BE_IGNORE 0x00400000 22 - Self descriptive but vague title. Found on 72054 in 3.3.5a.
8,388,608 SPELL_ATTR6_TAPS_IMMEDIATELY 0x00800000 23 - Self descriptive. Assuming tap refers to attacking enemies here.
16,777,216 SPELL_ATTR6_CAN_TARGET_UNTARGETABLE 0x01000000 24 - These spells bypass creatures with UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE and possibly CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_TRIGGER.
33,554,432 SPELL_ATTR6_DOESNT_RESET_SWING_TIMER_IF_INSTANT 0x02000000 25 - This could function similar to spells that have no global cooldown.
67,108,864 SPELL_ATTR6_VEHICLE_IMMUNITY_CATEGORY 0x04000000 26 - TrinityCore: "/*NYI, immunity to some buffs for some vehicles*/."
134,217,728 SPELL_ATTR6_IGNORE_HEALING_MODIFIERS 0x08000000 27 - TrinityCore: "This prevents certain healing modifiers from applying - see implementation if you really care about details."
268,435,456 SPELL_ATTR6_DO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT_TARGET_WITH_INITIATES_COMBAT 0x10000000 28 - Found on Death Grip. String title wording is slightly confusing. (Client only).
536,870,912 SPELL_ATTR6_IGNORE_CASTER_DAMAGE_MODIFIERS 0x20000000 29 - TrinityCore: "This prevents certain damage modifiers from applying - see implementation if you really care about details."
1,073,741,824 SPELL_ATTR6_DISABLE_TIED_EFFECT_POINTS 0x40000000 30 - Unclear as to how this functions.
2,147,483,648 SPELL_ATTR6_NO_CATEGORY_COOLDOWN_MODS 0x80000000 31 - Spells with this attribute skip applying modifiers to category cooldowns.