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This page covers general rendering concerns that are not specific to model formats.

Model Specific Rendering

More information about rendering specific model formats can be found at the following pages:

Screen Effects


This fullscreen effect controls both the bloom-style glow effect used by the game, and player state driven blur effects like inebriation.

To apply the effect, the game creates 4 new render targets:

  • RT 0: Already exists, and holds the output of rendering the given world scene
  • RT 1: Created by passing RT 0 through the FFXBox4 shader (box blur)
  • RT 2: Created by passing RT 1 through the FFXGauss4 shader (4-tap gaussian blur)
  • RT 3: Created by passing RT 2 through the FFXGauss4 shader (second pass)
  • RT 4: Created by passing RT 0 and RT 3 through the FFXGlow shader (both targets are sampled)

FFXBox4 Shaders (7.x)

TODO: Explain how FFXBox4 works

FFXGauss4 Shaders (7.x)

TODO: Explain how FFXGauss4 works

FFXGlow Shaders (7.x)

TODO: Possibly also 6.x? 5.x?

Vertex Shader

The vertex shader used for FFXGlow is a simple full screen vertex shader, and can be found in FullScreen.bls in the appropriate vertex shader directory.

Pixel Shader

  • pc_blurAmount.z: controls how much of the final blur output (RT 3) is carried over in the final output; this is used to manage effects like blurring the screen due to inebriation
  • pc_blurAmount.w: controls how much bloom-style glow is applied to the screen; this typically is sourced from the LightParams client database: LightParamsRec->m_glow
#version 420

layout(location = 1) in vec2 in_screenCoord;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 in_blurCoord;

layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_result;

layout(std140) uniform ps_cb0
  vec4 pc_blurAmount;

uniform sampler2D pt_screenTex;
uniform sampler2D pt_blurTex;

void main()

  float blurFactor = pc_blurAmount.z;
  float glowFactor = pc_blurAmount.w;

  vec4 screenColor = texture(pt_screenTex, in_screenCoord);
  vec3 blurColor = texture(pt_blurTex, in_blurCoord).rgb;

  // Mix screen and blur color (to handle effects like inebriation)
  vec4 finalColor = vec4(mix(screenColor.rgb, blurColor, vec3(blurFactor)), 0.0);

  // Calculate the glow color
  vec3 glowColor = (blurColor * blurColor) * glowFactor;

  // Add the glow color
  finalColor.rgb += glowColor;

  out_result = vec4(finalColor.rgb, screenColor.a);


FFXGlow Shaders (3.x)