Patching Files

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Revision as of 03:39, 23 July 2009 by Chuanhsing (talk | contribs)
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For updating files WoW uses bsdiff. Have a look at "" or ""

I had try bsdiff, but it doesn't work.

 1. extract achievement.dbc from enUS\DBFilesClient in Patches\WoW-3.1.3-to-3.2.0-enUS-Win-patch\wow-partial-1.MPQ
 2. rename it to achievement.dbc.patch (45K)
 3. extract achievement.dbc from DBFilesClient in Data\enUS\patch-enUS-2.MPQ
 4. rename it to achievement.dbc.old
 5. bsdiff
   usage: bspatch.exe oldfile newfile patchfile
 6. bsdiff chievement.dbc.old achievement.dbc achievement.dbc.patch
   Corrupt patch
 7. extract achievement.dbc from DBFilesClient in PTR:Data\enUS\patch-enUS-2.MPQ
 8. rename it to achievement.dbc.ptr
 9. bsdiff achievement.dbc.old achievement.dbc.ptr achievement.dbc.patch-ptr (20K)

althought it shows "BSDIFF40" in it's header, but it is not a bsdiff?

-- chuanhsing