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expression is a flattened AST. is bytewise.

enum arith_operand {
  id = 0,       // lhs; DO NOT READ RHS
  add = 1,      // lhs + rhs
  sub = 2,      // lhs - rhs
  mul = 3,      // lhs * rhs
  div = 4,      // rhs ≠ 0 ? (lhs / rhs) : 0
  mod = 5,      // rhs ≠ 0 ? (lhs % rhs) : 0
enum log_operand {
  id = 0,       // lhs; do not read rhs?
  eq = 1,       // lhs = rhs
  ne = 2,       // lhs ≠ rhs
  lt = 3,       // lhs < rhs
  le = 4,       // lhs ≤ rhs
  gt = 5,       // lhs > rhs
  ge = 6,       // lhs ≥ rhs 
struct value {
  char type;
  switch (type) {
    case 1:
      int value;
      // result = value
    case 2:
      int world_state_id;
      // result = current world state value of given state
    case 3:
      enum function_id {
        none = 0,                 //                          => 0
        random = 1,               // min, max                 => random in [min, max)  
        month = 2,                //                          => g_clientGameTime.month + 1
        day = 3,                  //                          => g_clientGameTime.day + 1
        time_of_day = 4,          //                          => g_clientGameTime.GetHourAndMinutes()   (in minutes)
        region = 5,               //                          => CGServerInfo::regionID
        clock_hour = 6,           //                          => g_clientGameTime.hours % 12
        difficulty_id = 7,        //                          => CGGameUI::m_instanceDifficultyID
        holiday_start = 8,        // holiday_id, duration_id  => minutes to begin
        holiday_left = 9,         // holiday_id, duration_id  => minutes to end
        holiday_active = 10,      // holiday_id               => 1 if any left > 0
        timer_current_time = 11,  //                          => time(nullptr)
        week_number = 12,         //                          => weeks since raid origin
      function_id type;
      value lhs; // note: regardless of number of used arguments!
      value rhs;
      // result = fun(lhs, rhs)

First is enabled == always 1. then, operand {0 (disabled), 1 (uint32), 2 (worldStateID (evals to something other than id, likely something in worldStateRec)), 3 (uint8 op, recurse left, recurse right; where op <=0xc: none, random, month, day, timeofday, region, clockHour, difficultyID, holidayStart, holidayLeft, holidayActive, currentTime, weeknumber)}, then op {1: +, 2:-, 3:*, 4*/, 5:%, 0: no op}, then op2 {…. See CGWorldStateInfo::EvalWorldStateExpression.

≥ Mists

struct WorldStateExpressionRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  stringref m_expression;