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Modifier Types from Trinity source file DBCEnums.h.
Modifier Types from Trinity source file DBCEnums.h.
== Version - 10.1.0+ (Master Branch 6/30/23) - ModifierTreeType ({{Template:Sandbox/PrettyVersion|expansionlevel=10}})==
== Version - 10.1.0+ (Updated 6/30/23) - ModifierTreeType ({{Template:Sandbox/PrettyVersion|expansionlevel=10}})==
     None                                                                = 0,  // No modifier
     None                                                                = 0,  // No modifier
     PlayerInebriationLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                            = 1,  // Player inebriation level is {#Drunkenness} or more
     PlayerInebriationLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                            = 1,  // Player inebriation level is {#Drunkenness} or more

Revision as of 09:42, 19 February 2024

≥ Mists

struct ModifierTreeRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_type;
  uint32_t m_asset;
  uint32_t m_secondaryAsset;
  uint32_t m_operator;
  uint32_t m_amount;
  uint32_t m_parent;

Modifier Types from Trinity source file DBCEnums.h.

Version - 10.1.0+ (Updated 6/30/23) - ModifierTreeType (DF)

   None                                                                = 0,   // No modifier
   PlayerInebriationLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                            = 1,   // Player inebriation level is {#Drunkenness} or more
   PlayerMeetsCondition                                                = 2,   // Player meets condition "{PlayerCondition}"
   MinimumItemLevel                                                    = 3,   // Minimum item level is {#Item Level}
   TargetCreatureId                                                    = 4,   // Target is NPC "{Creature}"
   TargetIsPlayer                                                      = 5,   // Target is player
   TargetIsDead                                                        = 6,   // Target is dead
   TargetIsOppositeFaction                                             = 7,   // Target is opposite faction
   PlayerHasAura                                                       = 8,   // Player has aura "{Spell}"
   PlayerHasAuraEffect                                                 = 9,   // Player has aura effect "{SpellAuraNames.EnumID}"
   TargetHasAura                                                       = 10,  // Target has aura "{Spell}"
   TargetHasAuraEffect                                                 = 11,  // Target has aura effect "{SpellAuraNames.EnumID}"
   TargetHasAuraState                                                  = 12,  // Target has aura state "{$Aura State}"
   PlayerHasAuraState                                                  = 13,  // Player has aura state "{$Aura State}"
   ItemQualityIsAtLeast                                                = 14,  // Item quality is at least {$Item Quality}
   ItemQualityIsExactly                                                = 15,  // Item quality is exactly {$Item Quality}
   PlayerIsAlive                                                       = 16,  // Player is alive
   PlayerIsInArea                                                      = 17,  // Player is in area "{AreaTable}"
   TargetIsInArea                                                      = 18,  // Target is in area "{AreaTable}"
   ItemId                                                              = 19,  // Item is "{Item}"
   LegacyDungeonDifficulty                                             = 20,  // Legacy dungeon difficulty is "{$Dungeon Difficulty}"
   PlayerToTargetLevelDeltaGreaterThan                                 = 21,  // Exceeds the target's level by {#Level Delta} levels
   TargetToPlayerLevelDeltaGreaterThan                                 = 22,  // Target exceeds your level by {#Level Delta} levels
   PlayerLevelEqualTargetLevel                                         = 23,  // You and the target are equal level
   PlayerInArenaWithTeamSize                                           = 24,  // Player is in an arena with team size {#Team Size}
   PlayerRace                                                          = 25,  // Player race is "{ChrRaces}"
   PlayerClass                                                         = 26,  // Player class is "{ChrClasses}"
   TargetRace                                                          = 27,  // Target race is "{ChrRaces}"
   TargetClass                                                         = 28,  // Target class is "{ChrClasses}"
   LessThanTappers                                                     = 29,  // Less than {#Tappers} tappers
   CreatureType                                                        = 30,  // Creature is type "{CreatureType}"
   CreatureFamily                                                      = 31,  // Creature is family "{CreatureFamily}"
   PlayerMap                                                           = 32,  // Player is on map "{Map}"
   ClientVersionEqualOrLessThan                                        = 33,  // Milestone is at or before "{WowStaticSchemas}"
   BattlePetTeamLevel                                                  = 34,  // All three winning battle pets are at or above level {#Battle Pet Level}
   PlayerIsNotInParty                                                  = 35,  // Player is not in a party
   PlayerIsInParty                                                     = 36,  // Player is in a party
   HasPersonalRatingEqualOrGreaterThan                                 = 37,  // Has a Personal Rating of at least {#Personal Rating}
   HasTitle                                                            = 38,  // Has title "{CharTitles.Mask_ID}"
   PlayerLevelEqual                                                    = 39,  // Player is exactly level {#Level}
   TargetLevelEqual                                                    = 40,  // Target is exactly level {#Level}
   PlayerIsInZone                                                      = 41,  // Player is in top-level area "{AreaTable}"
   TargetIsInZone                                                      = 42,  // Target is in top-level area "{AreaTable}"
   PlayerHealthBelowPercent                                            = 43,  // Player health below {#Percent}%
   PlayerHealthAbovePercent                                            = 44,  // Player health above {#Percent}%
   PlayerHealthEqualsPercent                                           = 45,  // Player health equals {#Percent}%
   TargetHealthBelowPercent                                            = 46,  // Target health below {#Percent}%
   TargetHealthAbovePercent                                            = 47,  // Target health above {#Percent}%
   TargetHealthEqualsPercent                                           = 48,  // Target health equals {#Percent}%
   PlayerHealthBelowValue                                              = 49,  // Player health below {#Hit Points} HP
   PlayerHealthAboveValue                                              = 50,  // Player health above {#Hit Points} HP
   PlayerHealthEqualsValue                                             = 51,  // Player health equals {#Hit Points} HP
   TargetHealthBelowValue                                              = 52,  // Target health below {#Hit Points} HP
   TargetHealthAboveValue                                              = 53,  // Target health above {#Hit Points} HP
   TargetHealthEqualsValue                                             = 54,  // Target health equals {#Hit Points} HP
   TargetIsPlayerAndMeetsCondition                                     = 55,  // Target is a player with condition "{PlayerCondition}"
   PlayerHasMoreThanAchievementPoints                                  = 56,  // Player has over {#Achievement Pts} achievement points
   PlayerInLfgDungeon                                                  = 57,  // Player is in a LFG dungeon
   PlayerInRandomLfgDungeon                                            = 58,  // Player is in a random LFG dungeon
   PlayerInFirstRandomLfgDungeon                                       = 59,  // Player is in a first random LFG dungeon
   PlayerInRankedArenaMatch                                            = 60,  // Player is in a ranked arena match
   PlayerInGuildParty                                                  = 61,  /*NYI*/ // Player is in a guild party
   PlayerGuildReputationEqualOrGreaterThan                             = 62,  // Player has guild reputation of {#Guild Reputation} or more
   PlayerInRatedBattleground                                           = 63,  // Player is in rated battleground
   PlayerBattlegroundRatingEqualOrGreaterThan                          = 64,  // Player has a battleground rating of {#Battleground Rating} or more
   ResearchProjectRarity                                               = 65,  /*NYI*/ // Research project rarity is "{$Project Rarity}"
   ResearchProjectBranch                                               = 66,  /*NYI*/ // Research project is in branch "{ResearchBranch}"
   WorldStateExpression                                                = 67,  // World state expression "{WorldStateExpression}" is true
   DungeonDifficulty                                                   = 68,  // Dungeon difficulty is "{Difficulty}"
   PlayerLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                                       = 69,  // Player level is {#Level} or more
   TargetLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                                       = 70,  // Target level is {#Level} or more
   PlayerLevelEqualOrLessThan                                          = 71,  // Player level is {#Level} or less
   TargetLevelEqualOrLessThan                                          = 72,  // Target level is {#Level} or less
   ModifierTree                                                        = 73,  // Modifier tree "{ModifierTree}" is also true
   PlayerScenario                                                      = 74,  // Player is on scenario "{Scenario}"
   TillersReputationGreaterThan                                        = 75,  // Reputation with Tillers is above {#Reputation}
   BattlePetAchievementPointsEqualOrGreaterThan                        = 76,  // Battle pet achievement points are at least {#Achievement Pts}
   UniqueBattlePetsEqualOrGreaterThan                                  = 77,  // (Account) At least {#Pets Known} unique pets known
   BattlePetType                                                       = 78,  // Battlepet is of type "{$Battle Pet Types}"
   BattlePetHealthPercentLessThan                                      = 79,  /*NYI*/ // (Account) Battlepet's health is below {#Health Percent} percent
   GuildGroupMemberCountEqualOrGreaterThan                             = 80,  // Be in a group with at least {#Members} guild members
   BattlePetOpponentCreatureId                                         = 81,  /*NYI*/ // Battle pet opponent is "{Creature}"
   PlayerScenarioStep                                                  = 82,  // Player is on scenario step number {#Step Number}
   ChallengeModeMedal                                                  = 83,  // Challenge mode medal earned is "{#Challenge Mode Medal(OBSOLETE)}" (OBSOLETE)
   PlayerOnQuest                                                       = 84,  // Player is currently on the quest "{QuestV2}"
   ExaltedWithFaction                                                  = 85,  // Reach exalted with "{Faction}"
   EarnedAchievementOnAccount                                          = 86,  // Earned achievement "{Achievement}" on this account
   EarnedAchievementOnPlayer                                           = 87,  // Earned achievement "{Achievement}" on this player
   OrderOfTheCloudSerpentReputationGreaterThan                         = 88,  // Reputation with Order of the Cloud Serpent is above {#Reputation}
   BattlePetQuality                                                    = 89,  /*NYI*/ // Battle pet is of quality "{BattlePetBreedQuality}"
   BattlePetFightWasPVP                                                = 90,  /*NYI*/ // Battle pet fight was PVP
   BattlePetSpecies                                                    = 91,  // Battle pet is species type "{BattlePetSpecies}"
   ServerExpansionEqualOrGreaterThan                                   = 92,  // Server expansion level is "{$Expansion Level}" or higher
   PlayerHasBattlePetJournalLock                                       = 93,  // Player has battle pet journal lock
   FriendshipRepReactionIsMet                                          = 94,  // Friendship rep reaction "{FriendshipRepReaction}" is met
   ReputationWithFactionIsEqualOrGreaterThan                           = 95,  // Reputation with "{Faction}" is {#Reputation} or more
   ItemClassAndSubclass                                                = 96,  // Item is class "{ItemClass.ClassID}", subclass "{^ItemSubclass.SubclassID:ItemSubclass.ClassID = ?}"
   PlayerGender                                                        = 97,  // Player's gender is "{$Gender}"
   PlayerNativeGender                                                  = 98,  // Player's native gender is "{$Gender}"
   PlayerSkillEqualOrGreaterThan                                       = 99,  // Player skill "{SkillLine}" is level {#Skill Level} or higher
   PlayerLanguageSkillEqualOrGreaterThan                               = 100, // Player language "{Languages}" is level {#Language Level} or higher
   PlayerIsInNormalPhase                                               = 101, // Player is in normal phase
   PlayerIsInPhase                                                     = 102, // Player is in phase "{Phase}"
   PlayerIsInPhaseGroup                                                = 103, // Player is in phase group "{PhaseGroup}"
   PlayerKnowsSpell                                                    = 104, // Player knows spell "{Spell}"
   PlayerHasItemQuantity                                               = 105, // Player is carrying item "{Item}", quantity {#Quantity}
   PlayerExpansionLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                              = 106, // Player expansion level is "{$Expansion Level}" or higher
   PlayerHasAuraWithLabel                                              = 107, // Player has aura with label {Label}
   PlayersRealmWorldState                                              = 108, // Player's realm state "{WorldState}" equals {#Value}
   TimeBetween                                                         = 109, // Time is between "{/Begin Date}" and "{/End Date}"
   PlayerHasCompletedQuest                                             = 110, // Player has previously completed quest "{QuestV2}"
   PlayerIsReadyToTurnInQuest                                          = 111, // Player is ready to turn in quest "{QuestV2}"
   PlayerHasCompletedQuestObjective                                    = 112, // Player has completed Quest Objective "{QuestObjective}"
   PlayerHasExploredArea                                               = 113, // Player has explored area "{AreaTable}"
   PlayerHasItemQuantityIncludingBank                                  = 114, // Player or bank has item "{Item}", quantity {#Quantity}
   Weather                                                             = 115, // Weather is "{Weather}"
   PlayerFaction                                                       = 116, // Player faction is {$Player Faction}
   LfgStatusEqual                                                      = 117, // Looking-for-group status "{$LFG Status}" equals {#Value}
   LFgStatusEqualOrGreaterThan                                         = 118, // Looking-for-group status "{$LFG Status}" is {#Value} or more
   PlayerHasCurrencyEqualOrGreaterThan                                 = 119, // Player has currency "{CurrencyTypes}" in amount {#Amount} or more
   TargetThreatListSizeLessThan                                        = 120, // Player Killed creature with less than "{#Targets}" threat list targets
   PlayerHasTrackedCurrencyEqualOrGreaterThan                          = 121, // Player has currency "{CurrencyTypes}" tracked (per season) in amount {#Amount} or more
   PlayerMapInstanceType                                               = 122, // Player is on a map of type "{@INSTANCE_TYPE}"
   PlayerInTimeWalkerInstance                                          = 123, // Player was in a Time Walker instance
   PvpSeasonIsActive                                                   = 124, // PVP season is active
   PvpSeason                                                           = 125, // Current PVP season is {#Season}
   GarrisonTierEqualOrGreaterThan                                      = 126, // Garrison is tier {#Tier} or higher for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonFollowersWithLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                        = 127, // At least {#Followers} followers of at least level {#Level} for follower type "{GarrFollowerType}"
   GarrisonFollowersWithQualityEqualOrGreaterThan                      = 128, // At least {#Followers} followers at least quality "{@GARR_FOLLOWER_QUALITY}" for follower type "{GarrFollowerType}"
   GarrisonFollowerWithAbilityAtLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                = 129, // Follower of at least level {#Level} has ability {GarrAbility} for follower type "{GarrFollowerType}"
   GarrisonFollowerWithTraitAtLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                  = 130, // Follower of at least level {#Level} has trait {GarrAbility} for follower type "{GarrFollowerType}"
   GarrisonFollowerWithAbilityAssignedToBuilding                       = 131, // Follower with ability "{GarrAbility}" is assigned to building type "{@GARRISON_BUILDING_TYPE}" for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonFollowerWithTraitAssignedToBuilding                         = 132, // Follower with trait "{GarrAbility}" is assigned to building type "{@GARRISON_BUILDING_TYPE}" for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonFollowerWithLevelAssignedToBuilding                         = 133, // Follower at least level {#Level} is assigned to building type "{@GARRISON_BUILDING_TYPE}" for garrison type "GarrType}"
   GarrisonBuildingWithLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                         = 134, // Building "{@GARRISON_BUILDING_TYPE}" is at least level {#Level} for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   HasBlueprintForGarrisonBuilding                                     = 135, // Has blueprint for garrison building "{GarrBuilding}" of type "{GarrType}"
   HasGarrisonBuildingSpecialization                                   = 136, // Has garrison building specialization "{GarrSpecialization}"
   AllGarrisonPlotsAreFull                                             = 137, // All garrison type "{GarrType}" plots are full
   PlayerIsInOwnGarrison                                               = 138, // Player is in their own garrison
   GarrisonShipmentOfTypeIsPending                                     = 139, /*NYI*/ // Shipment of type "{CharShipmentContainer}" is pending
   GarrisonBuildingIsUnderConstruction                                 = 140, // Garrison building "{GarrBuilding}" is under construction
   GarrisonMissionHasBeenCompleted                                     = 141, /*NYI*/ // Garrison mission "{GarrMission}" has been completed
   GarrisonBuildingLevelEqual                                          = 142, // Building {@GARRISON_BUILDING_TYPE} is exactly level {#Level} for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonFollowerHasAbility                                          = 143, // This follower has ability "{GarrAbility}" for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonFollowerHasTrait                                            = 144, // This follower has trait "{GarrAbility}" for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonFollowerQualityEqual                                        = 145, // This Garrison Follower is {@GARR_FOLLOWER_QUALITY} quality
   GarrisonFollowerLevelEqual                                          = 146, // This Garrison Follower is level {#Level}
   GarrisonMissionIsRare                                               = 147, /*NYI*/ // This Garrison Mission is Rare
   GarrisonMissionIsElite                                              = 148, /*NYI*/ // This Garrison Mission is Elite
   CurrentGarrisonBuildingLevelEqual                                   = 149, // This Garrison Building is level {#Level} - building type passed as argument
   GarrisonPlotInstanceHasBuildingThatIsReadyToActivate                = 150, // Garrison plot instance "{GarrPlotInstance}" has building that is ready to activate
   BattlePetTeamWithSpeciesEqualOrGreaterThan                          = 151, // Battlepet: with at least {#Amount} "{BattlePetSpecies}"
   BattlePetTeamWithTypeEqualOrGreaterThan                             = 152, // Battlepet: with at least {#Amount} pets of type "{$Battle Pet Types}"
   PetBattleLastAbility                                                = 153, /*NYI*/ // Battlepet: last ability was "{BattlePetAbility}"
   PetBattleLastAbilityType                                            = 154, /*NYI*/ // Battlepet: last ability was of type "{$Battle Pet Types}"
   BattlePetTeamWithAliveEqualOrGreaterThan                            = 155, // Battlepet: with at least {#Alive} alive
   HasGarrisonBuildingActiveSpecialization                             = 156, // Has Garrison building active specialization "{GarrSpecialization}"
   HasGarrisonFollower                                                 = 157, // Has Garrison follower "{GarrFollower}"
   PlayerQuestObjectiveProgressEqual                                   = 158, // Player's progress on Quest Objective "{QuestObjective}" is equal to {#Value}
   PlayerQuestObjectiveProgressEqualOrGreaterThan                      = 159, // Player's progress on Quest Objective "{QuestObjective}" is at least {#Value}
   IsPTRRealm                                                          = 160, // This is a PTR Realm
   IsBetaRealm                                                         = 161, // This is a Beta Realm
   IsQARealm                                                           = 162, // This is a QA Realm
   GarrisonShipmentContainerIsFull                                     = 163, /*NYI*/ // Shipment Container "{CharShipmentContainer}" is full
   PlayerCountIsValidToStartGarrisonInvasion                           = 164, // Player count is valid to start garrison invasion
   InstancePlayerCountEqualOrLessThan                                  = 165, // Instance has at most {#Players} players
   AllGarrisonPlotsFilledWithBuildingsWithLevelEqualOrGreater          = 166, // All plots are full and at least level {#Level} for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonMissionType                                                 = 167, /*NYI*/ // This mission is type "{GarrMissionType}"
   GarrisonFollowerItemLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                         = 168, // This follower is at least item level {#Level}
   GarrisonFollowerCountWithItemLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                = 169, // At least {#Followers} followers are at least item level {#Level} for follower type "{GarrFollowerType}"
   GarrisonTierEqual                                                   = 170, // Garrison is exactly tier {#Tier} for garrison type "{GarrType}"
   InstancePlayerCountEqual                                            = 171, // Instance has exactly {#Players} players
   CurrencyId                                                          = 172, // The currency is type "{CurrencyTypes}"
   SelectionIsPlayerCorpse                                             = 173, // Target is player corpse
   PlayerCanAcceptQuest                                                = 174, // Player is currently eligible for quest "{QuestV2}"
   GarrisonFollowerCountWithLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                    = 175, // At least {#Followers} followers exactly level {#Level} for follower type "{GarrFollowerType}"
   GarrisonFollowerIsInBuilding                                        = 176, // Garrison follower "{GarrFollower}" is in building "{GarrBuilding}"
   GarrisonMissionCountLessThan                                        = 177, /*NYI*/ // Player has less than {#Available} available and {#In-Progress} in-progress missions of garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonPlotInstanceCountEqualOrGreaterThan                         = 178, // Player has at least {#Amount} instances of plot "{GarrPlot}" available
   CurrencySource                                                      = 179, /*NYI*/ // Currency source is {$Currency Source}
   PlayerIsInNotOwnGarrison                                            = 180, // Player is in another garrison (not their own)
   HasActiveGarrisonFollower                                           = 181, // Has active Garrison follower "{GarrFollower}"
   PlayerDailyRandomValueMod_X_Equals                                  = 182, /*NYI*/ // Player daily random value mod {#Mod Value} equals {#Equals Value}
   PlayerHasMount                                                      = 183, // Player has Mount "{Mount}"
   GarrisonFollowerCountWithInactiveWithItemLevelEqualOrGreaterThan    = 184, // At least {#Followers} followers (including inactive) are at least item level {#Level} for follower type "{GarrFollowerType}"
   GarrisonFollowerIsOnAMission                                        = 185, // Garrison follower "{GarrFollower}" is on a mission
   GarrisonMissionCountInSetLessThan                                   = 186, /*NYI*/ // Player has less than {#Missions} available and in-progress missions of set "{GarrMissionSet}" in garrison type "{GarrType}"
   GarrisonFollowerType                                                = 187, // This Garrison Follower is of type "{GarrFollowerType}"
   PlayerUsedBoostLessThanHoursAgoRealTime                             = 188, /*NYI*/ // Player has boosted and boost occurred < {#Hours} hours ago (real time)
   PlayerUsedBoostLessThanHoursAgoGameTime                             = 189, /*NYI*/ // Player has boosted and boost occurred < {#Hours} hours ago (in-game time)
   PlayerIsMercenary                                                   = 190, // Player is currently Mercenary
   PlayerEffectiveRace                                                 = 191, /*NYI*/ // Player effective race is "{ChrRaces}"
   TargetEffectiveRace                                                 = 192, /*NYI*/ // Target effective race is "{ChrRaces}"
   HonorLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                                        = 193, // Honor level >= {#Level}
   PrestigeLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                                     = 194, // Prestige level >= {#Level}
   GarrisonMissionIsReadyToCollect                                     = 195, /*NYI*/ // Garrison mission "{GarrMission}" is ready to collect
   PlayerIsInstanceOwner                                               = 196, /*NYI*/ // Player is the instance owner (requires 'Lock Instance Owner' LFGDungeon flag)
   PlayerHasHeirloom                                                   = 197, // Player has heirloom "{Item}"
   TeamPoints                                                          = 198, /*NYI*/ // Team has {#Points} Points
   PlayerHasToy                                                        = 199, // Player has toy "{Item}"
   PlayerHasTransmog                                                   = 200, // Player has transmog "{ItemModifiedAppearance}"
   GarrisonTalentSelected                                              = 201, /*NYI*/ // Garrison has talent "{GarrTalent}" selected
   GarrisonTalentResearched                                            = 202, /*NYI*/ // Garrison has talent "{GarrTalent}" researched
   PlayerHasRestriction                                                = 203, // Player has restriction of type "{@CHARACTER_RESTRICTION_TYPE}"
   PlayerCreatedCharacterLessThanHoursAgoRealTime                      = 204, /*NYI*/ // Player has created their character < {#Hours} hours ago (real time)
   PlayerCreatedCharacterLessThanHoursAgoGameTime                      = 205, // Player has created their character < {#Hours} hours ago (in-game time)
   QuestHasQuestInfoId                                                 = 206, // Quest has Quest Info "{QuestInfo}"
   GarrisonTalentResearchInProgress                                    = 207, /*NYI*/ // Garrison is researching talent "{GarrTalent}"
   PlayerEquippedArtifactAppearanceSet                                 = 208, // Player has equipped Artifact Appearance Set "{ArtifactAppearanceSet}"
   PlayerHasCurrencyEqual                                              = 209, // Player has currency "{CurrencyTypes}" in amount {#Amount} exactly
   MinimumAverageItemHighWaterMarkForSpec                              = 210, /*NYI*/ // Minimum average item high water mark is {#Item High Water Mark} for "{$Item History Spec Match}")
   PlayerScenarioType                                                  = 211, // Player in scenario of type "{$Scenario Type}"
   PlayersAuthExpansionLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                         = 212, // Player's auth expansion level is "{$Expansion Level}" or higher
   PlayerLastWeek2v2Rating                                             = 213, /*NYI*/ // Player achieved at least a rating of {#Rating} in 2v2 last week player played
   PlayerLastWeek3v3Rating                                             = 214, /*NYI*/ // Player achieved at least a rating of {#Rating} in 3v3 last week player played
   PlayerLastWeekRBGRating                                             = 215, /*NYI*/ // Player achieved at least a rating of {#Rating} in RBG last week player played
   GroupMemberCountFromConnectedRealmEqualOrGreaterThan                = 216, // At least {#Num Players} members of the group are from your connected realms
   ArtifactTraitUnlockedCountEqualOrGreaterThan                        = 217, // At least {#Num Traits} traits have been unlocked in artifact "{Item}"
   ParagonReputationLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                            = 218, // Paragon level >= "{#Level}"
   GarrisonShipmentIsReady                                             = 219, /*NYI*/ // Shipment in container type "{CharShipmentContainer}" ready
   PlayerIsInPvpBrawl                                                  = 220, // Player is in PvP Brawl
   ParagonReputationLevelWithFactionEqualOrGreaterThan                 = 221, // Paragon level >= "{#Level}" with faction "{Faction}"
   PlayerHasItemWithBonusListFromTreeAndQuality                        = 222, // Player has an item with bonus list from tree "{ItemBonusTree}" and of quality "{$Item Quality}"
   PlayerHasEmptyInventorySlotCountEqualOrGreaterThan                  = 223, // Player has at least "{#Number of empty slots}" empty inventory slots
   PlayerHasItemInHistoryOfProgressiveEvent                            = 224, /*NYI*/ // Player has item "{Item}" in the item history of progressive event "{ProgressiveEvent}"
   PlayerHasArtifactPowerRankCountPurchasedEqualOrGreaterThan          = 225, // Player has at least {#Purchased Ranks} ranks of {ArtifactPower} on equipped artifact
   PlayerHasBoosted                                                    = 226, // Player has boosted
   PlayerHasRaceChanged                                                = 227, // Player has race changed
   PlayerHasBeenGrantedLevelsFromRaF                                   = 228, // Player has been granted levels from Recruit a Friend
   IsTournamentRealm                                                   = 229, // Is Tournament Realm
   PlayerCanAccessAlliedRaces                                          = 230, // Player can access allied races
   GroupMemberCountWithAchievementEqualOrLessThan                      = 231, // No More Than {#Group Members} With Achievement {Achievement} In Group (true if no group)
   PlayerMainhandWeaponType                                            = 232, // Player has main hand weapon of type "{$Weapon Type}"
   PlayerOffhandWeaponType                                             = 233, // Player has off-hand weapon of type "{$Weapon Type}"
   PlayerPvpTier                                                       = 234, // Player is in PvP tier {PvpTier}
   PlayerAzeriteLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                                = 235, // Players' Azerite Item is at or above level "{#Azerite Level}"
   PlayerIsOnQuestInQuestline                                          = 236, // Player is on quest in questline "{QuestLine}"
   PlayerIsQnQuestLinkedToScheduledWorldStateGroup                     = 237, // Player is on quest associated with current progressive unlock group "{ScheduledWorldStateGroup}"
   PlayerIsInRaidGroup                                                 = 238, // Player is in raid group
   PlayerPvpTierInBracketEqualOrGreaterThan                            = 239, // Player is at or above "{@PVP_TIER_ENUM}" for "{@PVP_BRACKET}"
   PlayerCanAcceptQuestInQuestline                                     = 240, // Player is eligible for quest in questline "{Questline}"
   PlayerHasCompletedQuestline                                         = 241, // Player has completed questline "{Questline}"
   PlayerHasCompletedQuestlineQuestCount                               = 242, // Player has completed "{#Quests}" quests in questline "{Questline}"
   PlayerHasCompletedPercentageOfQuestline                             = 243, // Player has completed "{#Percentage}" % of quests in questline "{Questline}"
   PlayerHasWarModeEnabled                                             = 244, // Player has WarMode Enabled (regardless of shard state)
   PlayerIsOnWarModeShard                                              = 245, // Player is on a WarMode Shard
   PlayerIsAllowedToToggleWarModeInArea                                = 246, // Player is allowed to toggle WarMode in area
   MythicPlusKeystoneLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                           = 247, /*NYI*/ // Mythic Plus Keystone Level Atleast {#Level}
   MythicPlusCompletedInTime                                           = 248, /*NYI*/ // Mythic Plus Completed In Time
   MythicPlusMapChallengeMode                                          = 249, /*NYI*/ // Mythic Plus Map Challenge Mode {MapChallengeMode}
   MythicPlusDisplaySeason                                             = 250, /*NYI*/ // Mythic Plus Display Season {#Season}
   MythicPlusMilestoneSeason                                           = 251, /*NYI*/ // Mythic Plus Milestone Season {#Season}
   PlayerVisibleRace                                                   = 252, // Player visible race is "{ChrRaces}"
   TargetVisibleRace                                                   = 253, // Target visible race is "{ChrRaces}"
   FriendshipRepReactionEqual                                          = 254, // Friendship rep reaction is exactly "{FriendshipRepReaction}"
   PlayerAuraStackCountEqual                                           = 255, // Player has exactly {#Stacks} stacks of aura "{Spell}"
   TargetAuraStackCountEqual                                           = 256, // Target has exactly {#Stacks} stacks of aura "{Spell}"
   PlayerAuraStackCountEqualOrGreaterThan                              = 257, // Player has at least {#Stacks} stacks of aura "{Spell}"
   TargetAuraStackCountEqualOrGreaterThan                              = 258, // Target has at least {#Stacks} stacks of aura "{Spell}"
   PlayerHasAzeriteEssenceRankLessThan                                 = 259, // Player has Azerite Essence {AzeriteEssence} at less than rank {#rank}
   PlayerHasAzeriteEssenceRankEqual                                    = 260, // Player has Azerite Essence {AzeriteEssence} at rank {#rank}
   PlayerHasAzeriteEssenceRankGreaterThan                              = 261, // Player has Azerite Essence {AzeriteEssence} at greater than rank {#rank}
   PlayerHasAuraWithEffectIndex                                        = 262, // Player has Aura {Spell} with Effect Index {#index} active
   PlayerLootSpecializationMatchesRole                                 = 263, // Player loot specialization matches role {@LFG_ROLE}
   PlayerIsAtMaxExpansionLevel                                         = 264, // Player is at max expansion level
   TransmogSource                                                      = 265, // Transmog Source is "{@TRANSMOG_SOURCE}"
   PlayerHasAzeriteEssenceInSlotAtRankLessThan                         = 266, // Player has Azerite Essence in slot {@AZERITE_ESSENCE_SLOT} at less than rank {#rank}
   PlayerHasAzeriteEssenceInSlotAtRankGreaterThan                      = 267, // Player has Azerite Essence in slot {@AZERITE_ESSENCE_SLOT} at greater than rank {#rank}
   PlayerLevelWithinContentTuning                                      = 268, // Player has level within Content Tuning {ContentTuning}
   TargetLevelWithinContentTuning                                      = 269, // Target has level within Content Tuning {ContentTuning}
   PlayerIsScenarioInitiator                                           = 270, /*NYI*/ // Player is Scenario Initiator
   PlayerHasCompletedQuestOrIsOnQuest                                  = 271, // Player is currently on or previously completed quest "{QuestV2}"
   PlayerLevelWithinOrAboveContentTuning                               = 272, // Player has level within or above Content Tuning {ContentTuning}
   TargetLevelWithinOrAboveContentTuning                               = 273, // Target has level within or above Content Tuning {ContentTuning}
   PlayerLevelWithinOrAboveLevelRange                                  = 274, /*NYI*/ // Player has level within or above Level Range {LevelRange}
   TargetLevelWithinOrAboveLevelRange                                  = 275, /*NYI*/ // Target has level within or above Level Range {LevelRange}
   MaxJailersTowerLevelEqualOrGreaterThan                              = 276, // Max Jailers Tower Level Atleast {#Level}
   GroupedWithRaFRecruit                                               = 277, // Grouped With Recruit
   GroupedWithRaFRecruiter                                             = 278, // Grouped with Recruiter
   PlayerSpecialization                                                = 279, // Specialization is "{ChrSpecialization}"
   PlayerMapOrCosmeticChildMap                                         = 280, // Player is on map or cosmetic child map "{Map}"
   PlayerCanAccessShadowlandsPrepurchaseContent                        = 281, // Player can access Shadowlands (9.0) prepurchase content
   PlayerHasEntitlement                                                = 282, /*NYI*/ // Player has entitlement "{BattlePayDeliverable}"
   PlayerIsInPartySyncGroup                                            = 283, /*NYI*/ // Player is in party sync group
   QuestHasPartySyncRewards                                            = 284, /*NYI*/ // Quest is eligible for party sync rewards
   HonorGainSource                                                     = 285, /*NYI*/ // Player gained honor from source {@SPECIAL_MISC_HONOR_GAIN_SOURCE}
   JailersTowerActiveFloorIndexEqualOrGreaterThan                      = 286, /*NYI*/ // Active Floor Index Atleast {#Level}
   JailersTowerActiveFloorDifficultyEqualOrGreaterThan                 = 287, /*NYI*/ // Active Floor Difficulty Atleast {#Level}
   PlayerCovenant                                                      = 288, // Player is member of covenant "{Covenant}"
   HasTimeEventPassed                                                  = 289, // Has time event "{TimeEvent}" passed
   GarrisonHasPermanentTalent                                          = 290, /*NYI*/ // Garrison has permanent talent "{GarrTalent}"
   HasActiveSoulbind                                                   = 291, // Has Active Soulbind "{Soulbind}"
   HasMemorizedSpell                                                   = 292, /*NYI*/ // Has memorized spell "{Spell}"
   PlayerHasAPACSubscriptionReward_2020                                = 293, // Player has APAC Subscription Reward 2020
   PlayerHasTBCCDEWarpStalker_Mount                                    = 294, // Player has TBCC:DE Warp Stalker Mount
   PlayerHasTBCCDEDarkPortal_Toy                                       = 295, // Player has TBCC:DE Dark Portal Toy
   PlayerHasTBCCDEPathOfIllidan_Toy                                    = 296, // Player has TBCC:DE Path of Illidan Toy
   PlayerHasImpInABallToySubscriptionReward                            = 297, // Player has Imp in a Ball Toy Subscription Reward
   PlayerIsInAreaGroup                                                 = 298, // Player is in area group "{AreaGroup}"
   TargetIsInAreaGroup                                                 = 299, // Target is in area group "{AreaGroup}"
   PlayerIsInChromieTime                                               = 300, // Player has selected Chromie Time ID "{UiChromieTimeExpansionInfo}"
   PlayerIsInAnyChromieTime                                            = 301, // Player has selected ANY Chromie Time ID
   ItemIsAzeriteArmor                                                  = 302, // Item is Azerite Armor
   PlayerHasRuneforgePower                                             = 303, // Player Has Runeforge Power "{RuneforgeLegendaryAbility}"
   PlayerInChromieTimeForScaling                                       = 304, // Player is Chromie Time for Scaling
   IsRaFRecruit                                                        = 305, // Is RAF recruit
   AllPlayersInGroupHaveAchievement                                    = 306, // All Players In Group Have Achievement "{Achievement}"
   PlayerHasSoulbindConduitRankEqualOrGreaterThan                      = 307, /*NYI*/ // Player has Conduit "{SoulbindConduit}" at Rank {#Rank} or Higher
   PlayerSpellShapeshiftFormCreatureDisplayInfoSelection               = 308, // Player has chosen {CreatureDisplayInfo} for shapeshift form {SpellShapeshiftForm}
   PlayerSoulbindConduitCountAtRankEqualOrGreaterThan                  = 309, /*NYI*/ // Player has at least {#Level} Conduits at Rank {#Rank} or higher.
   PlayerIsRestrictedAccount                                           = 310, // Player is a Restricted Account
   PlayerIsFlying                                                      = 311, // Player is flying
   PlayerScenarioIsLastStep                                            = 312, // Player is on the last step of a Scenario
   PlayerHasWeeklyRewardsAvailable                                     = 313, // Player has weekly rewards available
   TargetCovenant                                                      = 314, // Target is member of covenant "{Covenant}"
   PlayerHasTBCCollectorsEdition                                       = 315, // Player has TBC Collector's Edition
   PlayerHasWrathCollectorsEdition                                     = 316, // Player has Wrath Collector's Edition
   GarrisonTalentResearchedAndAtRankEqualOrGreaterThan                 = 317, /*NYI*/ // Garrison has talent "{GarrTalent}" researched and active at or above {#Rank}
   CurrencySpentOnGarrisonTalentResearchEqualOrGreaterThan             = 318, /*NYI*/ // Currency {CurrencyTypes} Spent on Garrison Talent Research in Tree {GarrTalentTree} is greater than or equal to {#Quantity}
   RenownCatchupActive                                                 = 319, /*NYI*/ // Renown Catchup Active
   RapidRenownCatchupActive                                            = 320, /*NYI*/ // Rapid Renown Catchup Active
   PlayerMythicPlusRatingEqualOrGreaterThan                            = 321, /*NYI*/ // Player has Mythic+ Rating of at least "{#DungeonScore}"
   PlayerMythicPlusRunCountInCurrentExpansionEqualOrGreaterThan        = 322, /*NYI*/ // Player has completed at least "{#MythicKeystoneRuns}" Mythic+ runs in current expansion
   PlayerHasCustomizationChoice                                        = 323, // (Mainline) Player has Customization Choice "{ChrCustomizationChoice}"
   PlayerBestWeeklyWinPvpTier                                          = 324, // (Mainline) Player has best weekly win in PVP tier {PvpTier}
   PlayerBestWeeklyWinPvpTierInBracketEqualOrGreaterThan               = 325, // (Mainline) Player has best weekly win at or above "{@PVP_TIER_ENUM}" for "{@PVP_BRACKET}"
   PlayerHasVanillaCollectorsEdition                                   = 326, // Player has Vanilla Collector's Edition
   PlayerHasItemWithKeystoneLevelModifierEqualOrGreaterThan            = 327,
   PlayerMythicPlusRatingInDisplaySeasonEqualOrGreaterThan             = 329, /*NYI*/ // Player has Mythic+ Rating of at least "{#DungeonScore}" in {DisplaySeason}
   PlayerMythicPlusLadderRatingInDisplaySeasonEqualOrGreaterThan       = 333, /*NYI*/ // Player has Mythic+ Ladder Rating of at least "{#DungeonScore}" in {DisplaySeason}
   MythicPlusRatingIsInTop01Percent                                    = 334, /*NYI*/ // top 0.1% rating
   PlayerAuraWithLabelStackCountEqualOrGreaterThan                     = 335, // Player has at least {#Stacks} stacks of aura "{Label}"
   PlayerAuraWithLabelStackCountEqual                                  = 336, // Target has exactly {#Stacks} stacks of aura with label "{Label}"
   PlayerAuraWithLabelStackCountEqualOrLessThan                        = 337, // Player has at most {#Stacks} stacks of aura "{Label}"
   PlayerIsInCrossFactionGroup                                         = 338, // Player is in a cross faction group
   PlayerHasTraitNodeEntryInActiveConfig                               = 340, // Player has {TraitNodeEntry} node in currently active config
   PlayerHasTraitNodeEntryInActiveConfigRankGreaterOrEqualThan         = 341, // Player has at least {#Rank} for {TraitNodeEntry} node in currently active config
   PlayerHasPurchasedCombatTraitRanks                                  = 342, /*NYI*/ // Player has purchased at least {#Count} talent points in active combat config
   PlayerHasPurchasedTraitRanksInTraitTree                             = 343, /*NYI*/ // Player has purchased at least {#Count} ranks in {#TraitTree}
   PlayerDaysSinceLogout                                               = 344,
   CraftingOrderSkillLineAbility                                       = 347, /*NYI*/
   CraftingOrderProfession                                             = 348, /*NYI*/ // ProfessionEnum
   PlayerHasPerksProgramPendingReward                                  = 350,
   PlayerCanUseItem                                                    = 351, // Player can use item {#Item}
   PlayerHasAtLeastProfPathRanks                                       = 355, // Player has purchased or granted at least {#Count} ranks in {SkillLine} config
   PlayerHasAtLeastMissingProfPathRanks                                = 356, /*NYI*/ // Player is missing least {#Count} ranks in {SkillLine} config