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Information about /Emotes

Header Info

Record Size................28
String Block Size........1790


Column 	Field 			Type 		Notes 
1 	ID 			Integer 	The id.
2 	InternalName 		String 		Perhaps the eventname form the server triggering the emote
3 	iRefID_AnimationData 	Integer 	Animation played on Emote.	
4 	Flags			BitMask* 	0x8: Talk, 0x10: Question, 0x20: Exclamation, 0x40: Shout, 0x100: Laugh. These are used for the chatting emotes.
5 	isLooped		Integer 	Theory: 0 = perform emote then revert; 1 = loop (emotes); 2 = loop states (ie stun). Actually, at some point in the code, a sound is only played if this is set to 2.
6 	Hold    		Integer 	Hold the last frame of the animation. Only set for kneel, dead, sleep, at_ease and sit. 
						Here the Animation is "Stand" all the time. It is most likely used to differ them.
7 	iRefID_SoundEntries	Integer 	A sound that is played on this emote.

--Schlumpf 01:35, 13 August 2007 (CEST)