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Revision as of 04:13, 26 November 2021 by T1ti (talk | contribs)
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Defines certain areas on the map that presumably tell the server to fire a certain event. IE in BWL, telling the goblins around vael to run away is a trigger defined here. There are also misc triggers out in the middle of space which have 0 size, which are most likely used by the server for certain things. One such use could be remembering settings per instance (ie dracnoid colors in on Nef)?.

Their main usage are for quest objectives, taverns(resting) and instance portal teleports.

Note for modders : When edited, this DBC requires to be ordered properly to work, your new row won't work if you add it at the end. This DBC requires to be ordered by map ID



Column 	Field 		Type 		Notes
1 	ID 		Integer 	
2 	Map         	iRefID 	
3 	X 		Float 	        X Y Z server coordinates
4 	Y 		Float 	
5 	Z 		Float 
+	Phaseshift	Integer		New at some Cata+ point.	
6 	Radius 		Float 		When radius is > 0, the areatrigger is a sphere with center at x,y,z
7 	BoxLength 	Float 		When radius = 0, the areatrigger is a box that uses only boxlenght/width/eights/orientation and ignores radius.
8 	BoxWidth 	Float 		"
9 	BoxHeight 	Float 		"
10 	BoxOrientation	Float 		"



struct AreaTriggerRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_ContinentID;
  float m_x;
  float m_y;
  float m_z;
  float m_radius;


struct AreaTriggerRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_ContinentID;
  float m_x;
  float m_y;
  float m_z;
  float m_radius;
  float m_box_length;
  float m_box_width;
  float m_box_height;
  float m_box_yaw;



struct AreaTriggerRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  foreign_key<uint32_t, &MapRec::m_ID> m_ContinentID;
  C3Vector m_pos;
  uint32_t m_phaseUseFlags;
  uint32_t m_phaseID;
  foreign_key<uint32_t, &PhaseXPhaseGroupRec::m_phaseGroupID> m_phaseGroupID;
  float m_radius;
  float m_box_length;
  float m_box_width;
  float m_box_height;
  float m_box_yaw;
    shape_type_sphere = 0,
    shape_type_box = 1,
    shape_type_polygon = 3,
    shape_type_cylinder = 4,
  uint32_t m_shapeType;
  uint32_t m_shapeID;
  union { // depending on m_shapeType
    foreign_key<uint32_t, &AreaTriggerSphereRec::m_ID> m_shapeID;
    foreign_key<uint32_t, &AreaTriggerBoxRec::m_ID> m_shapeID;
    foreign_key<uint32_t, &PathRec::m_ID> m_shapeID;
    foreign_key<uint32_t, &AreaTriggerCylinderRec::m_ID> m_shapeID;
  foreign_key<uint32_t, &AreaTriggerActionSetRec::m_ID> m_areaTriggerActionSetID;
  uint32_t m_flags;