The DBC (DataBaseClient) files are clientside databases containing data about Items, NPC's, Enviroment, World etc.
Column Field Type Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Signature String (4-bytes) string, always 'WDBC' 2 Records Integer (4-bytes) number of records in the file 3 Fields Integer (4-bytes) number of fields per record 4 Record Size Integer (4-bytes) Fields*FieldSize (FieldSize is usually 4, but not always) 5 String Block Size Integer Size of the string block
String Block
Unlike the cache files, string data is stored in a block after the records. String data in records contain an offset to the string, starting from the string block. For example: If the address of the string block was 500, and the string value was 50, the address of the string would be at 550. The string block starts with a null character, and all strings are null-terminated.
When encountering a string field in a dbc file, it usually consists of an english name field as well as 7 additional fields for different localizations. Following the 8 String* fields is a bitmask field. I'm not exactly sure what the bitmask field is used for yet, see Localization.
Locale Field offset Notes --------------------------------------- enXX 0 GB and US krKR 1 Korean frFR 2 French deDE 3 German zhCN 4 Chinese zhTW 5 Taiwanese ???? 6 Unknown ???? 7 Unknown
2.1.1 changes the additional fields to 15.
List of DBC Files
- A
- AnimationData.dbc
- AreaPOI.dbc
- AreaTable.dbc
- AreaTrigger.dbc
- AttackAnimKits.dbc
- AttackAnimTypes.dbc
- AuctionHouse.dbc
- B
- BankBagSlotPrices.dbc
- BattlemasterList.dbc
- C
- CameraShakes.dbc
- Cfg Categories.dbc
- Cfg Configs.dbc
- CharacterCreateCameras.dbc
- CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc
- CharBaseInfo.dbc
- CharHairGeosets.dbc
- CharHairTextures.dbc
- CharSections.dbc
- CharStartOutfit.dbc
- CharTitles.dbc
- CharVariations.dbc
- ChatChannels.dbc
- ChatProfanity.dbc
- ChrClasses.dbc
- ChrRaces.dbc
- CinematicCamera.dbc
- CinematicSequences.dbc
- CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc
- CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc
- CreatureFamily.dbc
- CreatureModelData.dbc
- CreatureSoundData.dbc
- CreatureSpellData.dbc
- CreatureType.dbc
- D
- DeathThudLookups.dbc
- DurabilityCosts.dbc
- DurabilityQuality.dbc
- E
- Emotes.dbc
- EmotesText.dbc
- EmotesTextData.dbc
- EmotesTextSound.dbc
- EnvironmentalDamage.dbc
- Exhaustion.dbc
- F
- Faction.dbc
- FactionGroup.dbc
- FactionTemplate.dbc
- FootprintTextures.dbc
- FootstepTerrainLookup.dbc
- G
- GameObjectArtKit.dbc
- GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc
- GameTables.dbc
- GameTips.dbc
- GemProperties.dbc
- GMSurveyCurrentSurvey.dbc
- GMSurveyQuestions.dbc
- GMSurveySurveys.dbc
- GMTicketCategory.dbc
- GroundEffectDoodad.dbc
- GroundEffectTexture.dbc
- GtChanceToMeleeCrit.dbc
- GtChanceToMeleeCritBase.dbc
- GtChanceToSpellCrit.dbc
- GtChanceToSpellCritBase.dbc
- GtCombatRatings.dbc
- GtOCTRegenHP.dbc
- GtOCTRegenMP.dbc
- GtRegenHPPerSpt.dbc
- GtRegenMPPerSpt.dbc
- H
- HelmetGeosetVisData.dbc
- I
- ItemBagFamily.dbc
- ItemClass.dbc
- ItemDisenchantLoot.dbc
- ItemDisplayInfo.dbc
- ItemExtendedCost.dbc
- ItemGroupSounds.dbc
- ItemPetFood.dbc
- ItemRandomProperties.dbc
- ItemRandomSuffix.dbc
- ItemSet.dbc
- ItemSubClass.dbc
- ItemSubClassMask.dbc
- ItemVisualEffects.dbc
- ItemVisuals.dbc
- L
- Languages.dbc
- LanguageWords.dbc
- LFGDungeons.dbc
- Light.dbc
- LightFloatBand.dbc
- LightIntBand.dbc
- LightParams.dbc
- LightSkybox.dbc
- LiquidType.dbc
- LoadingScreenTaxiSplines.dbc
- LoadingScreens.dbc
- Lock.dbc
- LockType.dbc
- M
- MailTemplate.dbc
- Map.dbc
- Material.dbc
- N
- NPCSounds.dbc
- NameGen.dbc
- NamesProfanity.dbc
- NamesReserved.dbc
- P
- Package.dbc
- PageTextMaterial.dbc
- PaperDollItemFrame.dbc
- PetitionType.dbc
- PetLoyalty.dbc
- PetPersonality.dbc
- Q
- QuestInfo.dbc
- QuestSort.dbc
- R
- RandPropPoints.dbc
- Resistances.dbc
- S
- ServerMessages.dbc
- SheatheSoundLookups.dbc
- SkillCostsData.dbc
- SkillLine.dbc
- SkillLineAbility.dbc
- SkillLineCategory.dbc
- SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc
- SkillTiers.dbc S cont.
- SoundAmbience.dbc
- SoundCharacterMacroLines.dbc
- SoundEntries.dbc
- SoundProviderPreferences.dbc
- SoundSamplePreferences.dbc
- SoundWaterType.dbc
- SpamMessages.dbc
- Spell.dbc
- SpellAuraNames.dbc
- SpellCastTimes.dbc
- SpellCategory.dbc
- SpellChainEffects.dbc
- SpellDispelType.dbc
- SpellDuration.dbc
- SpellEffectCameraShakes.dbc
- SpellEffectNames.dbc
- SpellFocusObject.dbc
- SpellIcon.dbc
- SpellItemEnchantment.dbc
- SpellItemEnchantmentCondition.dbc
- SpellMechanic.dbc
- SpellMissileMotion.dbc
- SpellRadius.dbc
- SpellRange.dbc
- SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc
- SpellVisual.dbc
- SpellVisualEffectName.dbc
- SpellVisualKit.dbc
- SpellVisualPrecastTransitions.dbc
- StableSlotPrices.dbc
- Startup Strings.dbc
- Stationery.dbc
- StringLookups.dbc
- T
- Talent.dbc
- TalentTab.dbc
- TaxiNodes.dbc
- TaxiPath.dbc
- TaxiPathNode.dbc
- TerrainType.dbc
- TerrainTypeSounds.dbc
- TotemCategory.dbc
- TransportAnimation.dbc
- U
- UISoundLookups.dbc
- UnitBlood.dbc
- UnitBloodLevels.dbc
- V
- VideoHardware.dbc
- VocalUISounds.dbc
- W
- WeaponImpactSounds.dbc
- WeaponSwingSounds2.dbc
- WMOAreaTable.dbc
- WorldMapArea.dbc
- WorldMapContinent.dbc
- WorldMapOverlay.dbc
- WorldMapTransforms.dbc
- WorldSafeLocs.dbc
- WorldStateUI.dbc
- WowError Strings.dbc
- Z
- ZoneIntroMusicTable.dbc
- ZoneMusic.dbc