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SpellAttr0 - Attributes

Flag Attribute String Bitmask Comments
1 SPELL_ATTR0_FAILURE_BURNS_CHARGE 0x00000001 0 - The spell will consume a charge that is natural or procced even if it fails to apply it's effect.
2 SPELL_ATTR0_REQ_AMMO 0x00000002 1 - TrinityCore: "Use ammo, ranged attack range modifiers, ranged haste, etc".
4 SPELL_ATTR0_ON_NEXT_SWING 0x00000004 2 - TrinityCore: "On next melee (Type 1). Both "on next swing" attributes have identical handling in server & client".
8 SPELL_ATTR0_IS_REPLENISHMENT 0x00000008 3 - Not set in or past 3.0.3. TrinityCore: "Do Not Log Immune Misses".
16 SPELL_ATTR0_IS_ABILITY 0x00000010 4 - Client puts "Ability" instead of "Spell" in the strings associated with this spell. TrinityCore: "Cannot be reflected, not affected by cast speed modifiers, etc".
32 SPELL_ATTR0_IS_TRADESKILL 0x00000020 5 - Trade spells (recipes), will be added by client to a sublist of profession spell.
64 SPELL_ATTR0_PASSIVE 0x00000040 6 - Passive spell and lists them accordingly. TrinityCore: "Spell is automatically cast on self by core."
128 SPELL_ATTR0_HIDDEN_CLIENTSIDE 0x00000080 7 - Spells with this attribute are not visible in spellbook or aura bar.
256 SPELL_ATTR0_HIDE_IN_COMBAT_LOG 0x00000100 8 - This attribute controls whether the spell appears in combat logs.
512 SPELL_ATTR0_TARGET_MAINHAND_ITEM 0x00000200 9 - Client automatically selects item from main-hand slot as a cast target. TrinityCore: "Held Item Only".
1,024 SPELL_ATTR0_ON_NEXT_SWING_2 0x00000400 10 - TrinityCore: "On next melee (Type 2). Both "on next swing" attributes have identical handling in server & client".
2,048 SPELL_ATTR0_WEARER_CASTS_PROC_TRIGGER 0x00000800 11 - TrinityCore: Marker attribute to show auras that trigger another spell (either directly or with a script).
4,096 SPELL_ATTR0_DAYTIME_ONLY 0x00001000 12 - Only useable at daytime, not set in or past 2.4.2. TrinityCore: "Server Only".
8,192 SPELL_ATTR0_NIGHT_ONLY 0x00002000 13 - Only useable at night, not set in or past 2.4.2. TrinityCore: "Allow Item Spell In PvP".
16,384 SPELL_ATTR0_INDOORS_ONLY 0x00004000 14 - Only useable indoors, not set in or past 2.4.2.
32,768 SPELL_ATTR0_OUTDOORS_ONLY 0x00008000 15 - Only useable outdoors (Above ground level or not inside of a WMO for example).
65,536 SPELL_ATTR0_NOT_SHAPESHIFT 0x00010000 16 - Spell may or may not be cast while under the effect of a conditional dependent Shapeshift.
131,072 SPELL_ATTR0_ONLY_STEALTHED 0x00020000 17 - Must be in stealth.
262,144 SPELL_ATTR0_DONT_AFFECT_SHEATH_STATE 0x00040000 18 - Leaves your weapons (if) sheathed during spell animation. TrinityCore: "Does not sheathe weapons (client only)".
524,288 SPELL_ATTR0_LEVEL_DAMAGE_CALCULATION 0x00080000 19 - Spell damage depends on level of the caster. TrinityCore: "For non-player casts, scale impact and power cost with caster's level".
1,048,576 SPELL_ATTR0_STOP_ATTACK_TARGET 0x00100000 20 - Cancels current auto-attack when cast.
2,097,152 SPELL_ATTR0_IMPOSSIBLE_DODGE_PARRY_BLOCK 0x00200000 21 - Cannot be Dodged, Parried, or Blocked. Prevents physical based avoidance.
4,194,304 SPELL_ATTR0_CAST_TRACK_TARGET 0x00400000 22 - Automatically forces player to face the target when casting. Applicable only on the client.
8,388,608 SPELL_ATTR0_CASTABLE_WHILE_DEAD 0x00800000 23 - Attribute that allows a spell to be cast while in the dead state as well as ghost state.
16,777,216 SPELL_ATTR0_CASTABLE_WHILE_MOUNTED 0x01000000 24 - Spell can be cast while mounted.
33,554,432 SPELL_ATTR0_DISABLED_WHILE_ACTIVE 0x02000000 25 - Activate a cooldown after aura expiration, current summon removed, or go script. Spell is unusable while already active; cooldown starts when effect expires.
67,108,864 SPELL_ATTR0_NEGATIVE_AURA 0x04000000 26 - Forces the spell to be handled as negative. Example: Aura is shown in the debuff bar.
134,217,728 SPELL_ATTR0_CASTABLE_WHILE_SITTING 0x08000000 27 - Spell can be cast while sitting.
268,435,456 SPELL_ATTR0_CANT_USED_IN_COMBAT 0x10000000 28 - Cannot be used in combat (Only Peaceful).
536,870,912 SPELL_ATTR0_UNAFFECTED_BY_INVULNERABILITY 0x20000000 29 - Unaffected by Invulnerability. TrinityCore: "Spell can ignore Invulnerability, unless the Invulnerability spell also has this attribute". TrinityCore: "No Immunities".
1,073,741,824 SPELL_ATTR0_HEARTBEAT_RESIST_CHECK 0x40000000 30 - Periodic resistance checks. TrinityCore: "Periodically re-rolls against resistance to potentially expire the aura early".
2,147,483,648 SPELL_ATTR0_CANT_CANCEL_AURA 0x80000000 31 - Aura cannot be canceled or right-clicked off.