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Revision as of 21:18, 2 November 2014 by Schlumpf (talk | contribs)
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Header Info

Record Size...............104
String Block Size.......31981


Column	Field 					Type 		Notes 
1 	ID 					Integer  
2 	charges 				Integer 	Mostly unused. Added 3.x?
3 	SpellDispelType.dbc_1 			Integer 	Enchantment Type of effect 1 
4 	SpellDispelType.dbc_2 			Integer 	Enchantment Type of effect 2 
5 	SpellDispelType.dbc_3			Integer 	Enchantment Type of effect 3 
6 	minAmount1 				Integer 	Amount of damage/armor/apply/spell for effect 1 
7 	minAmount2 				Integer 	Amount of damage/armor/apply/spell for effect 2 
8 	minAmount3 				Integer 	Amount of damage/armor/apply/spell for effect 3 
9 	maxAmount1 				Integer 	Mostly dupe
10 	maxAmount2 				Integer 	Mostly dupe
11 	maxAmount3 				Integer 	Mostly dupe
12 	objectId1 				Integer 	if type1 == 5, then Stat Types, else Spell.dbc 
13 	objectId2 				Integer 	if type2 == 5, then Stat Types, else Spell.dbc 
14 	objectId2 				Integer 	if type3 == 5, then Stat Types, else Spell.dbc 
15-31 	sRefName 				String+Loc	The name of the enchantment 
32 	ItemVisuals.dbc 			Integer 	The glow to add to the items that has this enchant 
33 	Flags 					Integer 	
34 	ItemCache.wdb 				Integer 	Reference to the Gem that has this ability (Added in 
35 	SpellItemEnchantmentCondition.dbc 	Integer 	Conditions for the effect to take place (Added in 
36 	SkillLine.dbc				Integer 	A required profession.
37 	SkillLevel 				Integer 	And the level for that profession.
38     requiredLevel				Integer		Required level to use the enchant   1
struct SpellItemEnchantmentEntry // sizeof(0x5C)
   m_ID; // +0x0, size 0x4, type 0
   m_charges; // +0x4, size 0x4, type 0
   m_effect; // +0x8, size 0xC, type 0
   m_effectPointsMin; // +0x14, size 0xC, type 0
   m_effectPointsMax; // +0x20, size 0xC, type 0
   m_effectArg; // +0x2C, size 0xC, type 0
   m_name_lang; // +0x38, size 0x4, type 2
   m_itemVisual; // +0x3C, size 0x4, type 0
   m_flags; // +0x40, size 0x4, type 0
   m_src_itemID; // +0x44, size 0x4, type 0
   m_condition_id; // +0x48, size 0x4, type 0
   m_requiredSkillID; // +0x4C, size 0x4, type 0
   m_requiredSkillRank; // +0x50, size 0x4, type 0
   m_minLevel; // +0x54, size 0x4, type 0
   m_itemLevel; // +0x58, size 0x4, type 0

struct SpellItemEnchantmentRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_charges;
  uint32_t m_effect[3];
  uint32_t m_effectPointsMin[3];
  uint32_t m_effectArg[3];
  stringref m_name_lang;
  uint32_t m_itemVisual;
  uint32_t m_flags;
  uint32_t m_src_itemID;
  uint32_t m_condition_id;
  uint32_t m_requiredSkillID;
  uint32_t m_requiredSkillRank;
  uint32_t m_minLevel;
  uint32_t m_maxLevel;
  uint32_t m_itemLevel;
  uint32_t m_scalingClass;
  uint32_t m_scalingClassRestricted;
  float m_effectScalingPoints[3];