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This article is exclusive to version 4.0.3 and higher.
This table is a work in progress, and the values as listed may be incorrect.
Column | Field | Type | Notes |
1 | EffectMultipleValue | Float | |
2 | EffectBonusMultiplier | Float | Seems to be used for calculation of one according effect's value of "tick" for DoTs and HoTs. |
3 | EffectChainAmplitude | Float | Used for decreasing (or increasing) according effect's value on next chained targets. |
4 | Unknown | Integer | Wasn't able to match the value |
5 | EffectRealPointsPerLevel | Float | Base points added to according EffectBasePoints based on caster's level. |
6 | EffectSpellClassMaskA | Integer | |
7 | EffectSpellClassMaskB | Integer | |
8 | EffectSpellClassMaskC | Integer | |
9 | EffectSpellClassMaskD | Integer | Legion |
10 | Unknown | Float | Wasn't able to match the value |
11 | Unknown | Float | Wasn't able to match the value |
12 | ID | Integer | |
13 | EffectApplyAuraName(?) | Integer | EffectApplyAuraName is either this value or column 24 |
14 | Effect | Integer | Type of effect which spell has. All following effect fields (and some at the end of DBC) reffer to these up to 3 effects. |
15 | Unknown | Integer | Wasn't able to match the value |
16 | EffectAmplitude | Integer | |
17 | EffectBasePoints | Integer | Base points added to result of according effect's rolled dice. F.e. EffectDieSides=26 and EffectBasePoints=49 will make 50-75. |
18 | Unknown | Integer | Wasn't able to match the value |
19 | EffectDieSides | Integer | Number of sides of dice which is being rolled for random value of according effect. |
20 | EffectItemType | Integer | |
21 | Unknown | Integer | Wasn't able to match the value |
22 | EffectMiscValue | Integer | Used for according effect's special misc values, commonly entries of called or used creature/item/gameobject. |
23 | EffectMiscValueB | Integer | Used for according effect's special misc values, commonly entries of called or used creature/item/gameobject. |
24 | EffectApplyAuraName(?) | Integer | EffectApplyAuraName is either this value or column 13 |
25 | EffectRadiusIndex | Integer | According spell effect's radius. May differ with caster's level. |
26 | EffectTriggerSpell | Integer | Entry of spell triggered on affected target by this according effect. |
27 | EffectImplicitTargetA | Integer | Type of implicit target(s) of according effect. |
28 | EffectImplicitTargetB | Integer | Type of implicit target(s) of according effect. Dunno what is difference between A and B. |
29 | SpellID | iRefID | |
30 | SpellIDIdentifier | Integer | Identifier for Spell ID(Effect1, Effect2) |
31 | Unknown | Integer | Wasn't able to match the value |
Synric 12th July 2016
Column | Field | Type | Notes |
1 | ID | Integer | |
2 | Effect | Integer | |
3 | MultipleValue | Float | |
4 | ApplyAuraName | Integer | |
5 | Amplitude | Float | |
6 | BasePoints | Integer | |
7 | BonusMultiplier | Float | |
8 | DamageMultiplier | Float | |
9 | ChainTarget | Integer | |
10 | DieSides | Integer | |
11 | ItemType | Integer | |
12 | Mechanic | Integer | |
13 | MiscValueA | Integer | |
14 | MiscValueB | Integer | |
15 | PointsPerComboPoint | Float | |
16 | RadiusID | iRefID | |
17 | unk_400 | Integer | |
18 | RealPointsPerLevel | Float | |
19 | SpellClassMaskA | Integer | |
20 | SpellClassMaskB | Integer | |
21 | SpellClassMaskC | Integer | |
22 | TriggerSpell | Integer | |
23 | ImplicitTargetA | Integer | |
24 | ImplicitTargetB | Integer | |
25 | SpellID | iRefID | |
24 | EffectNo | Integer |
struct SpellEffectRec { uint32_t m_ID; uint32_t m_difficultyID; uint32_t m_effect; float m_effectAmplitude; uint32_t m_effectAura; uint32_t m_effectAuraPeriod; uint32_t m_effectBasePoints; float m_effectBonusCoefficient; float m_effectChainAmplitude; uint32_t m_effectChainTargets; uint32_t m_effectDieSides; uint32_t m_effectItemType; uint32_t m_effectMechanic; uint32_t m_effectMiscValue[2]; float m_effectPointsPerResource; uint32_t m_effectRadiusIndex[2]; float m_effectRealPointsPerLevel; uint32_t m_effectSpellClassMask[4]; uint32_t m_effectTriggerSpell; float m_effectPos_facing; uint32_t m_implicitTarget[2]; uint32_t m_spellID; uint32_t m_effectIndex; uint32_t m_effectAttributes; float m_bonusCoefficientFromAP; };
Version - 10.1.7+ (Updated 10/16/23) - SpellEffectAttributes ()
Flag | Attribute String | Bitmask | Comments |
0 | None | 0x000000 | 0 - N/A. |
1 | NoImmunity | 0x000001 | 1 - Not cancelled by immunities. Related attribute SpellAttr0-0x20000000-30. |
2 | PositionIsFacingRelative | 0x000002 | 2 - /*NYI*/ Unknown. |
4 | JumpChargeUnitMeleeRange | 0x000004 | 3 - /*NYI*/ Unknown. |
8 | JumpChargeUnitStrictPathCheck | 0x000008 | 4 - /*NYI*/ Unknown. |
16 | ExcludeOwnParty | 0x000010 | 5 - /*NYI*/ This would function the same as SpellAttr1-0x00080000-20. |
32 | AlwaysAoeLineOfSight | 0x000020 | 6 - Exactly the same as SpellAttr5-0x04000000-27. |
64 | SuppressPointsStacking | 0x000040 | 7 - Does not allow spell scaling values to continuously add on multiple applications. SpellAttr3-0x00000080-8 relation? |
128 | ChainFromInitialTarget | 0x000080 | 8 - Spell will chain to additional targets with the source of casters primary target. Similar to SpellAttr2-0x00001000-13 and SpellAttr10-0x80000000-32. |
256 | UncontrolledNoBackwards | 0x000100 | 9 - /*NYI*/ Unknown. |
512 | AuraPointsStack | 0x000200 | 10 - Refreshing periodic auras with this attribute will add the remaining value to new aura. Related attribute SpellAttr10-0x00004000-15. |
1,024 | NoCopyDamageInterruptsOrProcs | 0x000400 | 11 - /*NYI*/ Unknown. |
2,048 | AddTargetCombatReachToAOE | 0x000800 | 12 - /*NYI*/ Unknown. |
4,096 | IsHarmful | 0x001000 | 13 - Possible related attribute SpellAttr0-0x04000000-27 or similar. |
8,192 | ForceScaleToOverrideCameraMinHeight | 0x002000 | 14 - /*NYI*/ Unknown. |
16,384 | PlayersOnly | 0x004000 | 15 - Equivalent to SpellAttr3-0x00000100-9. |
32,768 | ComputePointsOnlyAtCastTime | 0x008000 | 16 - /*NYI*/ Possible connection to snapshotting DoTs? |
65,536 | EnforceLineOfSightToChainTargets | 0x010000 | 17 - Expected behaviour like SpellAttr5-0x04000000-27, but as chaining instead. |
131,072 | AreaEffectsUseTargetRadius | 0x020000 | 18 - /*NYI*/ AoE spells use TARGET_DEST_TARGET_RADIUS with Implicit Target 75. |
262,144 | TeleportWithVehicle | 0x040000 | 19 - /*NYI*/ Spell will invoke SPELL_EFFECT_TELEPORT_UNITS Effect 5(WotLK) or Effect 252(DF) but will include the casters current vehicle as well. |
524,288 | ScalePointsByChallengeModeDamageScaler | 0x080000 | 20 - /*NYI*/ Could behave in a similar way to SpellAttr12-0x10000000-29? |
1,048,576 | DontFailSpellOnTargetingFailure | 0x100000 | 21 - Similar to SpellAttr5-0x00000800-12 but explicit instead. |
8,388,608 | IgnoreDuringCooldownTimeRateCalculation | 0x800000 | 22 - Could possibly function equivalent to SpellAttr0-0x02000000-26 and/or SpellAttr10-0x00002000-14. |