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This article is exclusive to version 4.0.3 Cata and higher.

This table is a work in progress, and the values as listed may be incorrect.

Column Field Type Notes
1 EffectMultipleValue Float
2 EffectBonusMultiplier Float Seems to be used for calculation of one according effect's value of "tick" for DoTs and HoTs.
3 EffectChainAmplitude Float Used for decreasing (or increasing) according effect's value on next chained targets.
4 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value
5 EffectRealPointsPerLevel Float Base points added to according EffectBasePoints based on caster's level.
6 EffectSpellClassMaskA Integer
7 EffectSpellClassMaskB Integer
8 EffectSpellClassMaskC Integer
9 EffectSpellClassMaskD Integer Legion
10 Unknown Float Wasn't able to match the value
11 Unknown Float Wasn't able to match the value
12 ID Integer
13 EffectApplyAuraName(?) Integer EffectApplyAuraName is either this value or column 24
14 Effect Integer Type of effect which spell has. All following effect fields (and some at the end of DBC) reffer to these up to 3 effects.
15 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value
16 EffectAmplitude Integer
17 EffectBasePoints Integer Base points added to result of according effect's rolled dice. F.e. EffectDieSides=26 and EffectBasePoints=49 will make 50-75.
18 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value
19 EffectDieSides Integer Number of sides of dice which is being rolled for random value of according effect.
20 EffectItemType Integer
21 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value
22 EffectMiscValue Integer Used for according effect's special misc values, commonly entries of called or used creature/item/gameobject.
23 EffectMiscValueB Integer Used for according effect's special misc values, commonly entries of called or used creature/item/gameobject.
24 EffectApplyAuraName(?) Integer EffectApplyAuraName is either this value or column 13
25 EffectRadiusIndex Integer According spell effect's radius. May differ with caster's level.
26 EffectTriggerSpell Integer Entry of spell triggered on affected target by this according effect.
27 EffectImplicitTargetA Integer Type of implicit target(s) of according effect.
28 EffectImplicitTargetB Integer Type of implicit target(s) of according effect. Dunno what is difference between A and B.
29 SpellID iRefID
30 SpellIDIdentifier Integer Identifier for Spell ID(Effect1, Effect2)
31 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value

Synric 12th July 2016

Column Field Type Notes
1 ID Integer
2 Effect Integer
3 MultipleValue Float
4 ApplyAuraName Integer
5 Amplitude Float
6 BasePoints Integer
7 BonusMultiplier Float
8 DamageMultiplier Float
9 ChainTarget Integer
10 DieSides Integer
11 ItemType Integer
12 Mechanic Integer
13 MiscValueA Integer
14 MiscValueB Integer
15 PointsPerComboPoint Float
16 RadiusID iRefID
17 unk_400 Integer
18 RealPointsPerLevel Float
19 SpellClassMaskA Integer
20 SpellClassMaskB Integer
21 SpellClassMaskC Integer
22 TriggerSpell Integer
23 ImplicitTargetA Integer
24 ImplicitTargetB Integer
25 SpellID iRefID
24 EffectNo Integer

struct SpellEffectRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_difficultyID;
  uint32_t m_effect;
  float m_effectAmplitude;
  uint32_t m_effectAura;
  uint32_t m_effectAuraPeriod;
  uint32_t m_effectBasePoints;
  float m_effectBonusCoefficient;
  float m_effectChainAmplitude;
  uint32_t m_effectChainTargets;
  uint32_t m_effectDieSides;
  uint32_t m_effectItemType;
  uint32_t m_effectMechanic;
  uint32_t m_effectMiscValue[2];
  float m_effectPointsPerResource;
  uint32_t m_effectRadiusIndex[2];
  float m_effectRealPointsPerLevel;
  uint32_t m_effectSpellClassMask[4];
  uint32_t m_effectTriggerSpell;
  float m_effectPos_facing;
  uint32_t m_implicitTarget[2];
  uint32_t m_spellID;
  uint32_t m_effectIndex;
  uint32_t m_effectAttributes;
  float m_bonusCoefficientFromAP;

Version - 10.1.7+ (Updated 10/16/23) - SpellEffectAttributes (DF)

Flag Attribute String Bitmask Comments
0 None 0x000000 0 - N/A.
1 NoImmunity 0x000001 1 - Not cancelled by immunities. Related attribute SpellAttr0-0x20000000-30.
2 PositionIsFacingRelative 0x000002 2 - /*NYI*/ Unknown.
4 JumpChargeUnitMeleeRange 0x000004 3 - /*NYI*/ Unknown.
8 JumpChargeUnitStrictPathCheck 0x000008 4 - /*NYI*/ Unknown.
16 ExcludeOwnParty 0x000010 5 - /*NYI*/ This would function the same as SpellAttr1-0x00080000-20.
32 AlwaysAoeLineOfSight 0x000020 6 - Exactly the same as SpellAttr5-0x04000000-27.
64 SuppressPointsStacking 0x000040 7 - Does not allow spell scaling values to continuously add on multiple applications. SpellAttr3-0x00000080-8 relation?
128 ChainFromInitialTarget 0x000080 8 - Spell will chain to additional targets with the source of casters primary target. Similar to SpellAttr2-0x00001000-13 and SpellAttr10-0x80000000-32.
256 UncontrolledNoBackwards 0x000100 9 - /*NYI*/ Unknown.
512 AuraPointsStack 0x000200 10 - Refreshing periodic auras with this attribute will add the remaining value to new aura. Related attribute SpellAttr10-0x00004000-15.
1,024 NoCopyDamageInterruptsOrProcs 0x000400 11 - /*NYI*/ Unknown.
2,048 AddTargetCombatReachToAOE 0x000800 12 - /*NYI*/ Unknown.
4,096 IsHarmful 0x001000 13 - Possible related attribute SpellAttr0-0x04000000-27 or similar.
8,192 ForceScaleToOverrideCameraMinHeight 0x002000 14 - /*NYI*/ Unknown.
16,384 PlayersOnly 0x004000 15 - Equivalent to SpellAttr3-0x00000100-9.
32,768 ComputePointsOnlyAtCastTime 0x008000 16 - /*NYI*/ Possible connection to snapshotting DoTs?
65,536 EnforceLineOfSightToChainTargets 0x010000 17 - Expected behaviour like SpellAttr5-0x04000000-27, but as chaining instead.
131,072 AreaEffectsUseTargetRadius 0x020000 18 - /*NYI*/ AoE spells use TARGET_DEST_TARGET_RADIUS with Implicit Target 75.
262,144 TeleportWithVehicle 0x040000 19 - /*NYI*/ Spell will invoke SPELL_EFFECT_TELEPORT_UNITS Effect 5(WotLK) or Effect 252(DF) but will include the casters current vehicle as well.
524,288 ScalePointsByChallengeModeDamageScaler 0x080000 20 - /*NYI*/ Could behave in a similar way to SpellAttr12-0x10000000-29?
1,048,576 DontFailSpellOnTargetingFailure 0x100000 21 - Similar to SpellAttr5-0x00000800-12 but explicit instead.
8,388,608 IgnoreDuringCooldownTimeRateCalculation 0x800000 22 - Could possibly function equivalent to SpellAttr0-0x02000000-26 and/or SpellAttr10-0x00002000-14.