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Revision as of 22:25, 26 June 2024 by Warpten (talk | contribs)
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Controls some of the settings which don't change with time for light, fog, and water.

struct LightParamsRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_highlightSky;
  foreign_key<uint32_t, &LightSkyboxRec::m_ID> m_lightSkyboxID;
  float m_glow;
  float m_waterShallowAlpha;
  float m_waterDeepAlpha;
  float m_oceanShallowAlpha;
  float m_oceanDeepAlpha;
  uint32_t m_flags;


Column 	Field 					Type 		Notes
1  	ID 					Integer 	
2 	highlightSky 				Boolean 	
3 	lightSkyboxID 				Integer 	This is a ref to LightSkybox
4 	cloudTypeID 				Integer
5 	glow 					Float 		This controls how much Fog gets added to everything (!) and is used in some places to make them look extra bright
6 	waterShallowAlpha			Float 		Controls how transparent the water is for lakes & rivers.
7 	waterDeepAlpha 				Float 		
8 	oceanShallowAlpha 			Float 		Controls how transparent the water is for the ocean.
9 	oceanDeepAlpha 				Float
10	flags					Integer

struct LightParamsRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_highlightSky;
  foreign_key<uint32_t, &LightSkyboxRec::m_ID> m_lightSkyboxID;
  uint32_t m_cloudTypeID;
  float m_glow;
  float m_waterShallowAlpha;
  float m_waterDeepAlpha;
  float m_oceanShallowAlpha;
  float m_oceanDeepAlpha;
  uint32_t m_flags;


Flags Notes Alt. Name (EnumeratedString 385)
0x1 underwater luminosity No Darken Depth
0x2 show floating sprites Don't inherit Skybox
0x4 hide sun Hide Sun
0x8 hide moon Hide Moon
0x10 hide stars Hide Stars
0x20 does not exist I believe Override Celestial Sphere
0x40 seemingly exists but not used I believe Height fog above Plane
0x80 hide celestial object (eg red argus star)

The reason as to why names don't match is anyone's guess - Warpten