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Revision as of 21:39, 18 October 2010 by Click (talk | contribs) (→‎9183)
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Column Field Type Notes
0 ID Integer Not complettely sure - most likely will be
1 prepEventLength Integer Event preparation length (stage1)
2 mainEventLength Integer Event preparation length (stage2)
11 eventStart Integer Unixtime-style timestamp with WotLK startdate as origin date, or just simply day/month pickup.
12 - 23 eventReoccuranceTimes Adjusted eventdates for certain events
24 - 36 Integer(?) <Unknown>
49 Holidayname iRefID Ref to Loc in HolidayNames.dbc
50 Holidaydescription iRefID Ref to Loc in HolidayDescriptions.dbc
51 Calendarname String If the Holiday is part of the Calendar its name is written here
52 periodAdjustment (?) Integer Adjustment for reoccurance-timers (+/- the amount of "periodTypes"
53 periodType Integer -1, 0, 1, 2 (Describes if the *EventLengths are using minutes, hours, days for calculating the calendar offsets