Common Types

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This page lists types commonly used in WoW, but not specific to a file format.


A reference into a DBC or DB2 database file. E.g.

foreign_key<uint16_t, &LiquidTypeRec::m_spellID> liquid_spell_id;
            ^ type of reference
                       ^ table referenced
                                      ^ variable referenced


A reference into the string block of a DBC or DB2 database file. See DBC#String_Block.

using stringref = uint32_t;


A field for localized strings, consisting of an array of stringrefs followed by a field of flags. The amount of language entries depends on the version, with Cataclysm dropping all but the client's language. See Localization for details.

struct langstringref
//! \todo verify that pre-wotlk locales hadn't changed
#if < Cata
  stringref enUS; // also enGB
  stringref koKR;
  stringref frFR;
  stringref deDE;
  stringref enCN; // also zhCN
  stringref enTW; // also zhTW
  stringref esES;
  stringref esMX;
#if ≥ Wrath
  stringref ruRU;
  stringref unknown_9;
  stringref ptPT; // also ptBR
  stringref itIT;
  stringref unknown_12;
  stringref unknown_13;
  stringref unknown_14;
  stringref unknown_15;
  uint32_t flags;
  stringref client_locale;


A two component float vector.

struct C2Vector
  float x;
  float y;


A three component float vector.

struct C3Vector
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;


A four component float vector.

struct C4Vector
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  float w;


A three by three matrix.

struct C33Matrix // todo: row or column?
  C3Vector columns[3];


A four by four matrix.

struct C44Matrix // todo: row or column?
  C4Vector columns[4];


A 3D plane defined by four floats.

struct C4Plane // todo: verify
  C3Vector normal;
  float distance;

Those 4 floats are a, b, c, d variables from General form of the equation of a plane


A quaternion.

struct C4Quaternion
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  float w; // Unlike Quaternions elsewhere, the scalar part ('w') is the last element in the struct instead of the first


A one dimensional range defined by the bounds.

struct Range
  float min;
  float max;


An axis aligned box described by the minimum and maximum point.

struct CAaBox
  C3Vector min;
  C3Vector max;


An axis aligned sphere described by position and radius.

struct CAaSphere
  C3Vector position;
  float radius;


A color given in values of red, green, blue and alpha. Either

using CArgb = uint32_t;


struct CArgb // todo: verify, add CRgba, ..?
  unsigned char r;
  unsigned char g;
  unsigned char b;
  unsigned char a;


A color given in values of blue, green, red and alpha

struct CImVector
  unsigned char b;
  unsigned char g;
  unsigned char r;
  unsigned char a;


A three component vector of shorts.

struct C3sVector
  int16_t x;
  int16_t y;
  int16_t z;


A fixed point real number, opposed to a floating point.

template<typename Base, size_t integer_bits, size_t decimal_bits> struct fixed_point
  Base decimal : decimal_bits;
  Base integer : integer_bits;
  Base sign : 1;
  float to_float() const { return (sign ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (integer + decimal / float (1 << decimal_bits)); }


A fixed point number without integer part.

using fixed16 = short; // divide by 0x7fff to get float value

or semantically (0 is not a valid bit size in bitfields) equivalent to

using fixed16 = fixed_point<uint16_t, 0, 15>;