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The namespace BSN is non-wow-specific. It contains a parser / visitor for the blob of protocol-describing data in the clients.

 typedef unsigned long long offset_type;
 typedef unsigned char data_type;

 namespace BSN
   class BSNPrimitiveWalker
     typedef BSNPrimitiveWalker Result;
     class Context
       const Protocol::Protocol* _protocol;
       unsigned long _4;
       int _8;
       int _C;
       int _10;
       int _14;

   namespace Protocol
     namespace AsciiString
       bool IsValid (unsigned long length, const unsigned char* data)
         if (length == 0)
           return true;
         for (unsigned long i (0); i < length; ++i)
           if (data[i] > 0x7Eu)
             return false;
         return true;

     class Protocol
       unsigned long _bytecode_size;
       const data_type* _bytecode_data;
       unsigned long _code_info_size;
       const data_type* _code_info_data;
       unsigned long _version;
       int _14;
       unsigned long _type_id_count;
       int _1C;
       unsigned long _dump_info_size;
       const data_type* _type_info;
       const data_type* _28;
       const data_type* _dump_info;
       const data_type* _30;

       const data_type* TypeInfo (unsigned long t)
         assert (t < _type_id_count);
         unsigned long offset (SWAP_BYTE_ORDER (_type_info[t * sizeof (int)]));
         assert (offset < _bytecode_size);
         return _bytecode_data[offset];
       const data_type* DumpInfo (unsigned long t)
         assert (t < _type_id_count);
         if (_dump_info_size)
           unsigned long offset (SWAP_BYTE_ORDER (_dump_info[t * sizeof (int)]));
           assert (offset < _bytecode_size);
           if (offset)
             return _bytecode_data[offset];
         return NULL;
       const data_type* DumpString (const data_type* data, unsigned long t)
         if (_dump_info_size == 0 || data)
           return "";
         unsigned long offset (SWAP_BYTE_ORDER (data[t * sizeof (int)]));
         assert (offset < _bytecode_size);
         if (offset)
           return _bytecode_data[offset];
         return NULL;
       static Protocol s_Protocol;
     namespace Meta
       enum HeaderEnum
         HeaderEnum_FIRST = 1,
         HeaderEnum_Array = HeaderEnum_FIRST,
         HeaderEnum_LAST = HeaderEnum_User,
       namespace Walker
         template<typename T>
         int Walk (typename T::Result& result, const T::Result::Context& context)
           const HeaderEnum type (PeekHeaderEnum (context->_protocol, context->_4));
           if (type > HeaderEnum_LAST || type < HeaderEnum_FIRST)
             return 2;
           switch (type)
 #define CASE(x)                                                               \
             case HeaderEnum_ ## x:                                            \
               result.x (Protocol::Meta::x (context->_protocol, context->_4))
             CASE (Array);
             CASE (AsciiString);
             CASE (BitArray);
             CASE (Blob);
             CASE (Bool);
             CASE (Choice);
             CASE (Enum);
             CASE (FourCC);
             CASE (Int);
             CASE (Null);
             CASE (Optional);
             CASE (Real32);
             CASE (Real64);
             CASE (Struct);
             CASE (String);
             CASE (User);
 #undef CASE
       class Base
         const Protocol::Protocol* _protocol;
         unsigned long _t;
         int _type_info_first_byte;
         const data_type* _type_info;
         const data_type* _dump_info;
         const data_type* _14;
         Base (const Protocol::Protocol* protocol, unsigned long t)
           assert (t < protocol->_type_id_count);
           const int offset (_protocol->_code_info_data[t + 1]);
           _14 = offset ? &_protocol->_code_info_data[offset] : 0;
           _type_info_first_byte = *_type_info;
       class String : Base
         BSN::Protocol::Meta::Type::Bounds _18;
         int _30;
         BSN::Protocol::Meta::Type::Bounds _34;
         String (const Protocol::Protocol* protocol, unsigned long t)
           : Base (protocol, t)
     namespace Type
       class Bounds
         int _signed : 1;
         int _0 : 31;
         int _4;
         offset_type _min;
         offset_type _max;
         bool Contains (offset_type offset) const
           return offset >= _min && offset <= _max;
         static void Get (bool, const data_type*& data, Bounds& bounds);
   class Decoder
     int _0;
     const unsigned char* _4;
     int _8;
     int _C;
     int GetInt (offset_type&, const Protocol::Type::Bounds&);