
From wowdev
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This DBC defines the overlay images of the continents on the worldmap. If you move the mouse on the worldmap over an continent the entrys define where the overlay image form interface/worldmap/MAPNAME/MAPNAMPoverlay.blp will be displayed.

struct WorldMapContinentRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_mapID;
  uint32_t m_leftBoundary;
  uint32_t m_rightBoundary;
  uint32_t m_topBoundary;
  uint32_t m_bottomBoundary;
  float m_continentOffsetX;
  float m_continentOffsetY;

struct WorldMapContinentRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_mapID;
  uint32_t m_leftBoundary;
  uint32_t m_rightBoundary;
  uint32_t m_topBoundary;
  uint32_t m_bottomBoundary;
  float m_continentOffset[2];
  float m_scale;
  float m_taxiMin[2];
  float m_taxiMax[2];


Column 	Field 			Type 		Notes 
1 	ID 			Integer 	
2 	iRefID_Map		Integer 	reference ID to Map.dbc. 
3 	leftBoundary 		Integer 	ADT coordinates (base_X_Y.adt)
4 	rightBoundary 		Integer 	
5 	topBoundary 		Integer 	
6 	bottomBoundary 		Integer 	
7 	continentOffsetX 	Float 		on UI of patent map, from center.
8 	continentOffsetY 	Float 	
9 	scale			Float 		all rows 0.75 or 0.7. 
10 	taxiMinX 		Float 		
11 	taxiMinY	 	Float 		x2? 
12 	taxiMaxX	 	Float 		y1? 
13 	taxiMaxY	 	Float 		
14	worldMapID		Integer		(new in cataclysm) - 0=stars (where both outlands and Azeroth are visible), 1=Azeroth

struct WorldMapContinentRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_mapID;
  uint32_t m_leftBoundary;
  uint32_t m_rightBoundary;
  uint32_t m_topBoundary;
  uint32_t m_bottomBoundary;
  float m_continentOffset[2];
  float m_scale;
  float m_taxiMin[2];
  float m_taxiMax[2];
  uint32_t m_worldMapID;