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≥ Cata

Column Field Type Notes
1 SpellID iRefID
2 PowerCost Integer Known as ManaCost in 3.3.5
3 ManaCostPercentage Float
4 ManaCostPerSecond Float
5 RequiredSpellID iRefID
6 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value
7 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value
8 PowerType iRefID
9 ID Integer
10 ManaCostPerLevel Integer
11 ManaPerSecond Integer
12 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value
13 PowerDisplayID iRefID
14 Unknown Integer Wasn't able to match the value
15 Unknown Integer Always 0

Synric 12th July 2016

Column Field Type Notes
1 ID Integer
2 Cost Integer
3 CostPerLevel Integer
4 CostPercentage Integer
5 PerSecond Integer
6 PowerDisplayID iRefID
7 unk2 Integer