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enum SpellAttr3

   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK0                             = 0x00000001, //  0
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK1                             = 0x00000002, //  1
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK2                             = 0x00000004, //  2
   SPELL_ATTR3_BLOCKABLE_SPELL                  = 0x00000008, //  3 Only dmg class melee in 3.1.3
   SPELL_ATTR3_IGNORE_RESURRECTION_TIMER        = 0x00000010, //  4 you don't have to wait to be resurrected with these spells
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK5                             = 0x00000020, //  5
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK6                             = 0x00000040, //  6
   SPELL_ATTR3_STACK_FOR_DIFF_CASTERS           = 0x00000080, //  7 separate stack for every caster
   SPELL_ATTR3_ONLY_TARGET_PLAYERS              = 0x00000100, //  8 can only target players
   SPELL_ATTR3_TRIGGERED_CAN_TRIGGER_PROC_2     = 0x00000200, //  9 triggered from effect?
   SPELL_ATTR3_MAIN_HAND                        = 0x00000400, // 10 Main hand weapon required
   SPELL_ATTR3_BATTLEGROUND                     = 0x00000800, // 11 Can casted only on battleground
   SPELL_ATTR3_ONLY_TARGET_GHOSTS               = 0x00001000, // 12
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK13                            = 0x00002000, // 13
   SPELL_ATTR3_IS_HONORLESS_TARGET              = 0x00004000, // 14 "Honorless Target" only this spells have this flag
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK15                            = 0x00008000, // 15 Auto Shoot, Shoot, Throw,  - this is autoshot flag
   SPELL_ATTR3_CANT_TRIGGER_PROC                = 0x00010000, // 16 confirmed with many patchnotes
   SPELL_ATTR3_NO_INITIAL_AGGRO                 = 0x00020000, // 17 Soothe Animal, 39758, Mind Soothe
   SPELL_ATTR3_IGNORE_HIT_RESULT                = 0x00040000, // 18 Spell should always hit its target
   SPELL_ATTR3_DISABLE_PROC                     = 0x00080000, // 19 during aura proc no spells can trigger (20178, 20375)
   SPELL_ATTR3_DEATH_PERSISTENT                 = 0x00100000, // 20 Death persistent spells
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK21                            = 0x00200000, // 21 unused
   SPELL_ATTR3_REQ_WAND                         = 0x00400000, // 22 Req wand
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK23                            = 0x00800000, // 23
   SPELL_ATTR3_REQ_OFFHAND                      = 0x01000000, // 24 Req offhand weapon
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK25                            = 0x02000000, // 25 no cause spell pushback ?
   SPELL_ATTR3_CAN_PROC_WITH_TRIGGERED          = 0x04000000, // 26 auras with this attribute can proc from triggered spell casts with SPELL_ATTR3_TRIGGERED_CAN_TRIGGER_PROC_2 (67736 + 52999)
   SPELL_ATTR3_DRAIN_SOUL                       = 0x08000000, // 27 only drain soul has this flag
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK28                            = 0x10000000, // 28 Death Grip (3.3.5a)
   SPELL_ATTR3_NO_DONE_BONUS                    = 0x20000000, // 29 Ignore caster spellpower and done damage mods?  client doesn't apply spellmods for those spells
   SPELL_ATTR3_DONT_DISPLAY_RANGE               = 0x40000000, // 30 client doesn't display range in tooltip for those spells
   SPELL_ATTR3_UNK31                            = 0x80000000  // 31