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SMSG_CHAR_CREATE is a World Packet that is sent after a successful CMSG_PLAYER_LOGIN from the client. It tells the client which tutorials have been completed. Sending a packet with all bits set signals that all tutorials have been completed.

Packet Layout

SMSG Header
Offset Size / Endianness Type Name Description
0x0 2 / Big uint16 size Size of the packet including the opcode field.
0x2 2 / Little uint16 opcode Opcode for the packet.
Determines the structure of the body.
Always 0x0FD.

Offset Size / Endianness Type Name Description
0x0 4 / Little uint32 tutorial_data0
0x0 4 / Little uint32 tutorial_data1
0x0 4 / Little uint32 tutorial_data2
0x0 4 / Little uint32 tutorial_data3
0x0 4 / Little uint32 tutorial_data4
0x0 4 / Little uint32 tutorial_data5
0x0 4 / Little uint32 tutorial_data6
0x0 4 / Little uint32 tutorial_data7