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Note: this page largely deals with how lighting worked in the WotLK era. That said, large chunks of this are relevant from the vanilla era through WoD. Potentially, much of this is also relevant for Legion.

Doodad Lighting


void CMapDoodadDef::QueryInteriorLighting(CMapDoodadDef *this, CMapObjDef *mapObjDef, uint32_t groupIdx, uint16_t *polyIdx, const C3Vector *pos) {

  CImVector color = 0;
  bool blendExtLight;
  bool lightRes;

  if (polyIdx) {

    C3Vector lPos;
    operator*(&lPos, pos, &mapObjDef->invMat);

    lightRes = CMapObj::QueryLighting(mapObjDef->mapObj, groupIdx, &lPos, *polyIdx, &color, &blendExtLight);

  } else {

    C3Vector wStart;
    C3Vector lStart;

    wStart.x = this->m_mat.columns[3].x;
    wStart.y = this->m_mat.columns[3].y;
    wStart.z = this->m_mat.columns[3].z + 1.5;

    operator*(&lStart, &wStart, &mapObjDef->invMat);

    C3Vector wEnd;
    C3Vector lEnd;

    wEnd.x = this->m_mat.columns[3].x;
    wEnd.y = this->m_mat.columns[3].y;
    wEnd.z = this->m_mat.columns[3].z - 1760.0;

    operator*(&lEnd, &wEnd, &mapObjDef->invMat);

    C3Segment seg;
    seg.start = lStart;
    seg.end = lEnd;

    lightRes = CMapObj::QueryLighting(mapObjDef->mapObj, groupIdx, &seg, &color, &blendExtLight);


  if (lightRes) {

    CMapStaticEntity::AdjustLighting(&color, &this->dirColor, 168u, &this->ambColor, 96u);

    // Set to true if MOPY.flags & 0x01

    if (blendExtLight) {

      DNInfo dnInfo = DayNightGetInfo();

      if (color.a) {

        CImVector::BlendRGB255(&this->dirColor, color.a, &dnInfo->lightInfo.dirColor);
        CImVector::BlendRGB255(&this->ambColor, color.a, &dnInfo->lightInfo.ambColor);


      this->dirColor.a = color.a;
      this->unk3 |= 0x1000u;

    } else {

      this->unk3 &= 0xFFFFEFFF;





void CMapDoodadDef::SelectLights(CMapDoodadDef *this, CM2Lighting *lighting) {

  if (this->flagInside) { // Flag 0x02

    // Doodad is in interior

    C3Vector ambColor;

    ambColor.x = this->ambColor.r / 255.0f;
    ambColor.y = this->ambColor.g / 255.0f;
    ambColor.z = this->ambColor.b / 255.0f;

    CM2Lighting::AddAmbient(lighting, &ambColor);

    C3Vector dirColor;

    dirColor.x = this->dirColor.r / 255.0f;
    dirColor.y = this->dirColor.g / 255.0f;
    dirColor.z = this->dirColor.b / 255.0f;

    CM2Lighting::AddDiffuse(lighting, &dirColor, &CMapStaticEntity::interiorSunDir);

  } else {

    // Doodad is in exterior

    C3Vector ambColor;

    ambColor.x = CMap::sunLight->ambColor.x;
    ambColor.y = CMap::sunLight->ambColor.y;
    ambColor.z = CMap::sunLight->ambColor.z;

    CM2Lighting::AddAmbient(lighting, &ambColor);

    C3Vector dir;

    dir.x = CMap::sunLight->dir.x;
    dir.y = CMap::sunLight->dir.y;
    dir.z = CMap::sunLight->dir.z;

    C3Vector dirColor;

    dirColor.x = CMap::sunLight->dirColor.x * this->dirLightScale;
    dirColor.y = CMap::sunLight->dirColor.y * this->dirLightScale;
    dirColor.z = CMap::sunLight->dirColor.z * this->dirLightScale;

    CM2Lighting::AddDiffuse(lighting, &dirColor, &dir);


  DNInfo dnInfo = DayNightGetInfo();

  if (this->flags & 0x8000) {

    C3Vector fogColor;

    fogColor.x = ((uchar *)dnInfo + 162) / 255.0f;
    fogColor.y = ((uchar *)dnInfo + 161) / 255.0f;
    fogColor.z = ((uchar *)dnInfo + 160) / 255.0f;

    CM2Lighting::SetFog(lighting, &fogColor, *((float *)dnInfo + 41), *((float *)dnInfo + 42), *((float *)dnInfo + 43));

  } else {

    C3Vector fogColor;

    fogColor.x = ((uchar *)dnInfo + 142) / 255.0f;
    fogColor.y = ((uchar *)dnInfo + 141) / 255.0f;
    fogColor.z = ((uchar *)dnInfo + 140) / 255.0f;

    CM2Lighting::SetFog(lighting, &fogColor, *((float *)dnInfo + 36), *((float *)dnInfo + 37), *((float *)dnInfo + 38));


  if (this->flagInside) { // Flag 0x02

    lighting->flags |= 0x08;

  } else {

    lighting->flags &= 0xFFFFFFF7;



Entity Lighting


void CMapEntity::QueryInteriorLighting(CMapEntity *this, CMapObjDef *mapObjDef, uint32_t groupIdx, uint16_t *polyIdx, const C3Vector *pos) {

  CImVector color;
  bool blendExtLight;
  bool lightRes;

  if (polyIdx) {

    C3Vector lPos;
    operator*(&lPos, pos, &mapObjDef->invMat);

    lightRes = CMapObj::QueryLighting(mapObjDef->mapObj, groupIdx, &lPos, *polyIdx, &color, &blendExtLight);

  } else {

    C3Vector lPos;

    operator*(&lPos, (const C3Vector *)&this->m_mat.columns[3], &mapObjDef->invMat);

    C3Segment seg;

    seg.start.x = lPos.x;
    seg.start.y = lPos.y;
    seg.start.z = lPos.z + 1.0f;

    seg.end.x = lPos.x;
    seg.end.y = lPos.y;
    seg.end.z = lPos.z - 12.0f;

    lightRes = CMapObj::QueryLighting(mapObjDef->mapObj, groupIdx, &seg, &color, &blendExtLight);


  if (lightRes) {

    CMapStaticEntity::AdjustLighting(&color, &this->dirColor, 168u, &this->ambientTarget, 96u);

    // Set to true if MOPY.flags & 0x01

    if (blendExtLight) {

      DNInfo dnInfo = DayNightGetInfo();

      if (color.a) {

        CImVector::BlendRGB255(&this->dirColor, color.a, &dnInfo->lightInfo.dirColor);
        CImVector::BlendRGB255(&this->ambientTarget, color.a, &dnInfo->lightInfo.ambColor);


      this->dirColor.a = color.a;
      this->unk3 |= 0x1000u;

    } else {

      this->unk3 &= 0xFFFFEFFF;


