
From wowdev
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Column 	Field 		Type 		Notes 
1 	ID 		Integer 	
2 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	
3 	Flags 	        BitMask*
4 	FactionGroup 	BitMask 	LUA::GetFactionForRace shifts 1 by maskID in FactionGroup and & it with this column.
5 	FriendGroup 	BitMask* 	
6 	EnemyGroup 	BitMask* 	 
7 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	enemies 1
8 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	enemies 2
9 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	enemies 3
10 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	enemies 4
11 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	friend 1
12 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	friend 2
13 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	friend 3
14 	iRefID_Faction 	Integer 	friend 4
   uint32      ID;                                         // 0        m_ID
   uint32      faction;                                    // 1        m_faction
   uint32      factionFlags;                               // 2        m_flags
   uint32      ourMask;                                    // 3        m_factionGroup
   uint32      friendlyMask;                               // 4        m_friendGroup
   uint32      hostileMask;                                // 5        m_enemyGroup
   uint32      enemyFaction[4];                            // 6        m_enemies[4]
   uint32      friendFaction[4];                           // 10       m_friend[4],,

struct FactionTemplateRec {
  uint32_t m_ID;
  uint32_t m_faction; 
#if ≥ Vanilla
  uint32_t m_flags;
  uint32_t m_factionGroup;    // (m_factionGroup & 7) == 1 → neutral
  uint32_t m_friendGroup;
  uint32_t m_enemyGroup;
  uint32_t m_enemies[4];
  uint32_t m_friend[4];

Defines column 3(FactionGroup), 4(FriendGroup), and 5(EnemyGroup).

Flag Bitmask Description
0 0x00 0 - None.
1 0x01 1 - All players (and pets).
2 0x02 2 - Alliance players (and their pets).
4 0x04 3 - Horde players (and their pets).
8 0x08 4 - Monster (Not a player nor a pet).


Value Description
0x0001 Respond to call for help
0x0002 Broadcast to enemies (low priority)
0x0004 Broadcast to enemies (med priority)
0x0008 Broadcast to enemies (high priority)
0x0010 Search for enemies (low priority)
0x0020 Search for enemies (med priority)
0x0040 Search for enemies (high priority)
0x0080 Search for friends (low priority)
0x0100 Search for friends (med priority)
0x0200 Search for friends (high priority)
0x0400 Flee from call for help
0x0800 Assist players
0x1000 Attack PvP active players
0x2000 Hates all except friends